Chapter 12

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Life was looking fruitful for John and Evelyn as they adapted to life with a new baby. The baby was now four months old and so far was showing no signs of any deformity.

"I'll do it." Evelyn said, half asleep as Mary Anne began to cry for the sixth time that evening.

"No, you've done enough. I'll handle it." John said, getting out of bed and walking to the cot.

"Hello little one." John cooed to her as he carefully lifted her and held her to his chest.

"There there my dear." he kissed her forehead.

Her crying ceased and soon enough she was sound asleep again.

"You're so good with her." Evelyn smiled as he got back into bed.

"You should let me take care of her more often, you've been under such stress lately trying to manage work and the baby." he said.

"Alright John you've made your point. Goodnight." she went back to sleep.

"Goodnight my love."


"Oh she's wonderful." Anne smiled as she bounced Mary Anne on her lap.

"She is." Evelyn stroked her daughter's soft blonde hair.

"It seems we might've just avoided any chance of her inheriting a deformity." Treves said.

They all grew a little solemn at the thought.

"Sorry, that probably wasn't the most helpful comment I could've made." he regretted his words.

"It's no problem Papa. Let's just hope she won't." Evelyn said.

"She is a darling little thing. Can you pass her to me?" Treves said.

Anne handed her to him and he smiled gleefully at his granddaughter.

"We should probably be leaving in a few minutes. We need to pick up David from his music lesson." Anne said.

"Ok dear, well we've had a wonderful time, as always it's good to see you two." Frederick passed Mary Anne to John before he put on his hat and they walked to the door.

"Goodbye." Evelyn said as they left.

"That lady who responded to our advert in the paper is coming round in an hour. Miss Williams I believe is her name. I wrote to her and warned her of your condition, she seemed not to care so let's hope she'll be true to her word." she said.

"She's in for a shock. Are you sure we really need a maid? I don't think it's worth all the fuss." John said.

"We do need a maid. It's already hard enough managing work and Mary Anne, the last thing I need is to be burdened with all the housework as well."

"Fair point, but be ready for her to scream and run away when she sees me."


Miss Williams arrived an hour later and was greeted at the door by Evelyn.

"Ah Miss Williams, please do come in." Evelyn beckoned her inside.   

"Before you meet my husband you must be aware of the severity of his condition. I know I wrote to you and you said it didn't bother you but you don't know just how severe his deformities are. But please do understand that he is a kind and gentle man and he is only human." Evelyn said sternly.

"Don't worry yourself Mrs Merrick, I'm not faint hearted." she said diligently.

"Well then, in you come." Evelyn walked her to the drawing room.

"Hello, you must be Miss Williams." John put out his hand to greet her, trying his best to look unnerved by her presence.

She froze at the sight of him. Even though she had been warned, she had never expected him to be so hideous. She wanted to scream, run, but her better judgment prevented her. He seemed so inhuman, like a strange, twisted animal but in his eyes she saw only humanity.

She gingerly put out a hand, "Hello Mr Merrick."

John was surprised at her composure. Perhaps he wasn't so terrifying after all.

She had kind brown eyes similar to his and dark auburn hair tied back in a bun. She was of average height, standing several inches below Evelyn and spoke with a charming Yorkshire accent.

"Is this your daughter?" she asked, catching sight of the baby in his arms.

"Yes, this is Mary Anne." he said.

"Oh she's gorgeous, just like her mother." she smiled at Mary Anne.

"I have some references from previous households I used to work for." she handed some papers to Evelyn.

She read them over, "well, this all looks good to me." Evelyn said.

"Do I have the job?" Miss Williams asked curiously.

"Well I like you, John how do you feel?" Evelyn said.

"I think you'll make a wonderful maid." he said.

"Oh thank you. You're both so kind." she smiled.

"Now, I'll show you to your room." Evelyn showed her upstairs.

"You're husband seems a very kind man. I feel so sorry for all that he's had to endure throughout his life." Miss Williams' countenance was clouded with thought.

"Yes, he's had a very hard life, but he's found his happiness now." Evelyn tried to put an end to the conversation, not wanting Miss Williams to be too curious.

Downstairs, John tended to Mary Anne, all the while thinking about how unconcerned Miss Williams had been about him. He had reached another step towards complete contentment. His confidence grew and he was feeling better about himself more and more everyday.

Maybe he wasn't such a monster after all.

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