Chapter 7

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John felt a lot better about riding on the train now that he had Evelyn to join him. This was the first time he had went on the train without his hood. He fidgeted anxiously, feeling the eyes of the other passengers penetrate through his skin.

Evelyn put a hand on his lap, 'You need to relax John." she said.

"I know, I'm sorry, but I can't help it. Everyone is staring at me. I'm starting to wish I'd brought my hood."

"You've been out before without your hood."

"Yes but when I'm out people only see me for a few brief moments. We have to sit amongst these people for two hours."

"Oh come on John, I thought you'd found your confidence. Ignore them and let's have a little fun. This is our honeymoon after all." she took his hand in hers.

"You're right, I'm sorry I'm making such a fuss. We should be enjoying ourselves." he said, releasing all his tension as he took a deep breath.


Once the journey was over they took a cab to where they would be staying for their honeymoon, Fawsley Hall. John looked out of the window and was impressed by the grand, imposing building.
The room fell silent as they entered Fawsley Hall, all heads turned to them. With Evelyn beside him John was able to ignore everyone around him.

"Do you have a booking?" the receptionist said, trying her best to turn her attention away from John.

"Yes, we do." Evelyn said, handing a forum over.

Her hands were shaking as she read over the forum.

"That'll be eight pounds." she said.

She passed the keys to Evelyn after she handed the money over.

"Enjoy your stay." she forced her mouth into a smile.


"Well that was suitably awkward." John said as they laid their bags down on the floor.

"I know, but now that that's over there's only fun ahead." she said with a wink, making John blush.

"What would you like to do first after we've finished unpacking?" she asked as she began placing her dresses in the wardrobe.

"I hear the gardens are beautiful, perhaps we should take a walk around the grounds?" he said.

"Splendid. Now, pass that suitcase over and I'll finish unpacking." she replied.


"Oh I love the summer." Evelyn said as she walked hand in hand with John.

"I don't have to wear so many layers. Men are quite fortunate that they don't have to wear big, cumbersome dresses."

"I used to love the summer too, back when I was a boy. My deformities weren't so bad so I could go about unnoticed. It's been so long since I've felt the sun on my face." he said wistfully.

"Well now you can. You'll never have to hide yourself away ever again." she pulled herself closer to him.

"It's nearly seven, should we be going to get dinner soon?" he said.

"Yes we probably should."

"We should probably get a table in the corner away from everyone."

"Nonsense. We'll sit where we like. Now come on."


John had an unsettling feeling in the pit of his stomach as they walked to the restaurant. The waiter outside the door's eyes widened in shock as they walked towards them.

"Do you have a booking?" he trembled.

"Yes we do." John said confidently before Evelyn could speak.

"Can I have your room number?" he tried not to look at John.

"Twenty four."

"Excellent. Now I'll show you to your table." he said, leading them inside.

All eyes in the room turned and John wanted to turn on his heels and run, or rather limp, away as fast as he could.

"Don't pay attention to them John." Evelyn whispered to him.

The waiter placed two menus on the table. They were sat right in the centre of the room making John quiver with anxiety as he sat down. The room was eerily silent apart from the occasional muttering, which John could tell was about him. Eventually people began to turn their attention away from John and resume their conversations.

"I don't know why they let that sort of people in a place like this. Absolutely disgusting." a woman at the table next to them muttered to her husband.

"Don't speak about my husband in that manner." Evelyn asserted.

"Husband? You must be out of your mind to marry that monster." she said recoiling her features as she looked at John.

"Appearances count for nothing. He's a wonderful, kind man. Now, would you kindly mind your own business." she looked her straight in the eye.

Unable to think of a reply she grunted in defeat before standing up and dragging her husband away.

"Come on George. We shouldn't waste our time with these fools." she stormed out with her nose turned up.

"What a horrid woman." Evelyn said to John.

"It's true what she said though." he looked to the ground in shame.

"Don't you listen to her. You are a wonderful man, and I love you. Don't ever forget that." she put her hand on his and gave him a smile of reassurance.

He felt a little better then.

"Now let's get on with our evening shall we?" Evelyn picked up her menu.


It was nearly eleven o'clock by the time they got back to their room.

"Well that was a thoroughly enjoyable first day." Evelyn said, throwing herself onto the bed.

"Yes, things did go fairly well. The staff have been much more forgiving than I had anticipated." he said as he hung his jacket up.

"Now I have you all to myself." she planted her lips on his.

The kiss grew deeper and they began to edge towards the bed. Evelyn pulled him down on top of her and wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him closer. Surging with passion she began to undo his shirt buttons then her hands reached for his belt.

"Evelyn are you sure about this?" he blocked her hand.

"Yes, I couldn't be surer about anything." her eyes were brimming with lust which made his heart race.

"My my John. You seem eager." she smirked seductively as his bulge poked at her legs.

John felt his cheeks flush.

With sudden confidence he began to untie her dress and corset. She took off his shirt and trousers until the two of them laid naked on the bed.

He had always been curious of the female form as he had read so many books with women in them but never had he seen one naked. There was such a contrast between her delicately formed body and his deformed one.
Though eager as he was, he couldn't help feeling as though he was violating her purity.

"Are you really sure you want to do this, with me? It feels as though I'm defiling you." he looked into her eyes as he positioned himself before her entrance.

"Yes John. I want you. I love you." she said tenderly before he entered her...

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