The Freedom Fighter's

Start from the beginning

Midnight came and Zuko left to meet Jet. They were gone for about 20 minutes when they returned with all the food. Lillian grabbed a bag and helped Jet to hand out some of the food, "So... is Lee like your boyfriend or something?" Jet asked as he handed food to a family. Lillian felt a small blush, "Uh... no, we're just friends." Lillian answered. Jet nodded his head as he carried on. Lillian sat beside Iroh and patted the cushion beside her for Jet but instead Zuko sat down and stared at him. Jet smiled and sat opposite from Lillian. Lillian watched as Longshot and Smellerbee sat down beside Jet, "From what I heard, people eat like this every night in Ba Sing Se. I can't wait to set my eyes on that giant wall." Jet said eagerly. Lillian closed her eyes as she tried to imagine how their lives would be once they enter those walls, "It is a magnificent sight." Iroh said. Jet leaned forward, "So you've been there before?" Jet asked, Lillian watched Iroh glance away, "Once, when I was a different man." Iroh said with regret, "I've done some things in my past that I'm not proud of. But that's why I'm going to Ba Sing Se, for a new beginning. A second chance." Jet said as he smiled at Lillian. Iroh placed his hand on Lillian's knee and gazed over at Zuko, "That's very noble of you. I believe people can change their lives if they want to. I believe in second chances." Iroh spoke softly. There was a moment of silence before Jet broke it, "So... Kohana, Maybe once we're in the city and settled we could do something together?" Jet asked boldly. Lillian choked on her dumplings, "Uh... like a date?" Lillian asked with her cheeks bright red, "Yeah, a date." Jet replied with a smirk, "Yeah, I'd like that very much." Lillian said with a nod. Jet gave Lillian a wink and began talking to Smellerbee when Zuko stood up and walked to the back of the ship, "Goodnight everyone, tomorrow we shall all take the step into a new life." Iroh said as he bowed. Lillian bowed to the rest before gathering the two last blankets, "Here Uncle, I'll be fine." Lillian said as she held out the blanket, "Thank you my dear." Iroh replied as he took the blanket and sat on the floor, "If I may...How is your relationship with Prince Zuko?"Iroh asked. Lillian raised her brow, "Excuse me Uncle?" Lillian questioned, "You two were quite close in the North Pole I mean and I haven't seen much after that."Iroh said as he drank some water, "I told him that he needed to figure out what he wanted... And how he felt about me." Lillian whispered. Iroh nodded, "I Believe he know's how he feels about you but hides it in fear of rejection. And this Jet guy seems to be coming between his decision."Iroh said softly. Lillian's eyes fell sad, "I guess..." Lillian said as she held her arms, "I'm going to go talk to him..." Lillian said before she walked off into the direction Zuko went.

Zuko's POV

I couldn't sit there any longer! The way this guy looks at Lillian let alone talk to her as if he can get anything he wants, makes me furious! And worst of all... Lillian is falling for an earth kingdom scum like him! ugh! My mind is so confused, I don't know what to do anymore. It feels like I'm never going to go back home, but what about Lillian? I've pulled her too deep. She's been marked a traitor and an outcast just for my actions. But in a way... I'm happy? Is that wrong that I feel happy that she'll have to stay by my side a while longer, maybe allow our friendship to become more? My dreams of the night on my ship still cause me to awake with a racing heart. The feeling of her lips on mine and holding her body close is driving me insane, it's as if she controls my inner fire. Before my thought's could race away I felt a small hand on my shoulder. I didn't have to turn around to know who it was, I knew and I wish she hadn't come now. I turned around to find Lillian standing before me almost covered in green except for her blonde hair and dull eyes, "Are you okay?". Those three words felt like a scroll of words but were only three simple words, "Zuko?" Lillian whispered as she took a step closer to me. I love hearing her speak my name, but I need to get some rest, "I'm fine."I replied with no emotion which seemed to hurt her, "I'm going to bed."I add as I walk past her but she catches my arms, "Are you upset about Jet?" 'JET' that name just makes my blood boil, "Why does it matter!" I bark causing her to take a step back again, I regret my action right away, "It matter's because you are upset about it!" She shouts. I don't have the energy for this, "Why don't you go bother Jet since he's got everything so worked out and you swoon over everything he says and does." I say harshly, "Oh? I see, Your Jealous!" Lillian stated as she placed her hands on her hips with a smirk, Am I jealous? I guess so... "I knew it! You do have feelings for me! Don't you Zuko?" oh... if only she knew, but I can't handle this now. I'm to angry and confused, "Not now Lillian. You even said so yourself..." I say as I wave her away but she catches my hand, "No, Now! I'm tired of you treating me like this, treating me as if I'm a stranger, a soldier! We need to talk about this now! Do you or do you not have feelings for me Zuko?"She pushed again, I couldn't hold my outburst back, "I am Not Jealous and I don't care what you do! who you see and I don't care at all!" I yell but wish I could eat my words. Lillian took a step back and I noticed the tears in her eyes, "I thought you would have figured it out by now... but I guess not..." Lillian looks away as I watch a tear slip down her face, "Lilly what I meant was that-"but she didn't allow me to finish before she ran off back to Uncle. UGH! "I do care about you... so much.." I whisper aloud and feel my nose begin to burn from the emotion and anger.

Lillian POV

  "I am Not Jealous and I don't care what you do! who you see and I don't care at all!"  Zuko yelled at me. I try to blink away my tears but it's too late, "I thought you would have figured it out by now... but I guess not... " I whisper but i couldn't stay there a minute longer. I run past Zuko back to Uncle. My heart is shattered and my mind is so confused... I find Uncle asleep on a mat not too far from another mat. I looked over the railing and felt my shoulders burn. I haven't released my wings in what feels like forever but if I do Zuko might see and who know's how he'll blow up then. I sat down on the mat and took my lotus position and began my breathing exercises. Once I was calm I laid down on the mat and slowly felt my eyes grow heavy but before I could fall asleep I felt the floor creak and watched as Zuko covered his Uncle fully before walking over to me. I pretended to be asleep. Zuko placed the other blanket over me and I felt him lean down beside me. His chest brushed my shoulder causing my breath to get caught, "I do care about you... More than you'll ever know..." He whispered before placing a small kiss on my cheek. My heart jumped at his words but I remained "asleep" but I couldn't help the smile that spread across my face.

Zuko and Lillian lay asleep on the deck as Iroh awoke to have a stroll. Iroh looked up the sky, "Let's hope that they will both stop seeking for what they already have within." Iroh whispered with a smile.


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Darkninja OUT!!!!

*searching for Honor*

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