Chapter 23

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I smiled looking up at him.

He was so perfect.

"I know Jace, she's shutting everyone out. Mayah is reaching out but she's putting up the walls again. You can't blame her Jacey, she got cheated on and no one bothered telling her. She was getting used the whole time." Liam said taking a sip of his glass.

"But she's still my best friend. She's been disappearing around the afternoon till evening this past week and she says she sleeps outside but we know she's lying." I explained.

"I don't want to assume anything but I have you ever thought it could be one of the wolves?" He asked raising his eyebrow.

"Zayn and Jasmine says it's Jason but we don't see him with Claudia. I don't think they're even friends. Do they even talk?" I asked.

"Who knows. I've just been worried. Harry is trying his best around the kids and Louis is just giving everyone attitude. That's why Mayah slapped the hell out of him at dinner last night." Liam laughed.

"Speaking of Mayah and Louis, we need to focus on the reason why we came here. We need our Sam back. And I would do anything to get things back to the way they were." I said getting up from his lap.

"We need to do some research on Claudia's disappearances and Sam attitude changes. But this plan includes Jasmine."

"But Jasmine always takes forever coming to us. She would ask is what do we need from her 3 months after we tell her." I groaned.

"Then we force her too."

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