Chapter 7

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"You gave up on hope. You lost your family because you gave up. You never learned the truth about your mother did you? She was slaughtered to death. Funny, because she made us promise her to keep you alive until you found your true power. The former Five's were killed all together, Mrs. Matthews thought she would obtain the gifts herself but she was foolish to realize the 5 gifts were all passed down to their daughters. But you see, you all have you're doomed for death. All of you." Lady Yakima said sitting back down in her seat.

Everyone just quietly down down at their dinner and ate.

"Claudia dear?" She asked.


"Tell me, have you and Zayn have sex yet?" She asked without hesitation.

My eyes widened and Zayn almost choked on his water.

"NO!" I yelled making Jacey giggle.

I looked at Jacey and glared, "So Liam, have you found the correct protection?" I asked with a smug smile.

"STOP IT!" Lady Yakima yelled before we would all started arguing.

"I invited you all to this dinner because I know something about Sam's runaway." She said as her glare on us hardened.

I sat down on my seat and dusted my pants.

"What is it?" Louis asked questioningly.

"You guys will be leaving California, Sam is not here. She is in Florida."


1 year holla


I smiled as Tyler attempted another lame joke.

"Sammieee. Tyler's jokes are making my ears bleed!" Lisa groaned.

"I know, you're so lame Ty." I said hugging him tightly.

"Wow, my own best friend is going against me too!" He said pushing me off him.

Jason sat down by me and placed the box of pizza on the table.

"You all owe me money." He said opening the box of bacon pizza.

"Sophie has the money." I said pointing to one of my best friends.

Tyler, Lisa, Sophie, and Jason were my best friends since they found me.

The only difference between us were that they were werewolves and I was a vampire. They all knew everything about the past. Being 25 was something you can't believe since I died when I was 15.

10 years ago huh?

Tyler wrapped an arm around my shoulder as he sat back in his seat.

"You guys are heavy!" I complained as I took a bite of my pizza.

Sophie started snickering as Tyler put more weight on my shoulder.

Adrian sat down with a smirk and tried taking a sip of his coke but ended choking when Sophie stabbed him down there with her heel.

The Pizza shack has been out go to hang out place in Florida. Bimbos were all over Miami and constantly walking by the shack to grab the guys attentions.

Which I thought was honestly stupid since no one was looking for a relationship. Not even the girls it was all sister and brother relationships.

But inside I knew I stilled wanted Louis. I still wanted him after all he has done to me. Every night I wonder if Jasmine or Mayah learned to control everything yet. Maybe even Claudia.

But letting go has it's perks.


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