Chapter 19

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"We all agree that it's a better idea at we all move into this cabin! It's more nice than the house plus you nearly killed Sam with that punch." Harry exclaimed.

"If you're blaming me, you're messed up! She brought up my DEAD sister." I screamed almost crying.

Harry sighed, "I'm not blaming you. But you still need to remember this isn't Sam, she's been brainwashed. I don't care-" Harry's said getting cut off.

"We all will find a way to sort her out again. And I can finally tell her the real truth." Louis added.

"And correction, everyone who said this is a cabin is incorrect. It is a lake house." Niall added in.

"We don't care about that right now Niall. Hun, it's fine." Jasmine said as he laid his head on her lap.

"So you all think it's ok to bring Clarissa in this like it's normal?" I asked blinking back the tears.

"You guys stop being like this to her." Mayah sighed.

"It doesn't matter if you're all older than me. It doesn't mean I can't be the leader." I spoke.

"You know what Claudia? How do you think I feel?!" Louis shouted.

"Like shit! I can obviously see, you fucktard! Don't you start what you couldn't finish in California!" I hissed in his face.

"Shut your mouth! That's why you decided to come back when Zayn had a girlfriend! I don't need your fucking opinion on what you think of me."

"Oh my gosh." I heard someone whisper.

"What are you talking about?" I asked backing up slightly.

"YOU BASTARDS KEPT THIS FROM ALL OF US?" Niall yelled in Louis' face.

"What the hell?"

"You heard me Claudia! He was in a relationship when you came back. And he still is!"

I snapped my head around to look at Zayn.

"Is this true?" I asked.


"Answer my question."


"You're cheating on me? And that girl who is she?" I asked crying.

"I HATE YOU SO FUCKING MUCH!" I yelled punching him over and over on his chest.

"Guys take her out for a minute." Jasmine said.

"Claudia.." Zayn trailed off as I was grabbed by my shoulder and outside.

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