Chapter 2

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I could basically stab myself repeatedly right now. It was so damn awkward feeling Zayn's eyes glued on my back as I ordered a drink.

Everyone probably hates me. I wonder how the kids are doing since I've been gone.

I sighed as I sat back against the cushioned booth placing my crutches by my side, "I've missed you." Zayn said poking the lid of his coffee cup.

"Me too." I said quietly.


I wonder if he will ever feel the same. What if he moved on? What if he hates me? What if I never get to kiss him? I asked myself questioningly.

"I love you too." He said snapping me out my thoughts.

I nearly dropped my coffee cup out my hand when he said those words. No guys has ever liked me. They always rejected me when I would tell them.

I felt happy. He sent me a small smile before he took a sip out of his coffee.



"Shut up Tom!" Kayla said before I heard a loud smack.

"WHAT THE HELL DID I TELL YOU?! I TOLD YOU TO BEHAVE OR YOU DON'T SEE YOUR PRESENT!" I said grabbing Kayla and Tom by the ear and dragged them onto the couch where Chase was sitting eating a very large, slice of pizza with Jasmine.

"I actually think you like abusing us." Kayla said rubbing her arm.

I felt an arm wrap around my stomach, I turned around to have my lips pressed against Louis'.

"What did I tell you about kissing in front of the kids?" I asked putting a finger over his lips.

He just looked at me with a small smirk but ever since Claudia has been. Gone there was something about him. It was like he was keeping something to himself, something I didn't know about.

We he thinking of that time when we did it?

Oh god..

I just heard the door click and a certain brunette walking in with crutches.

"Sam, is that her?" Kayla whispered.

I just smiled a nodded.

"Hi guys!" Zayn said happily walk,mg in behind Claudia just realizing she got here first before him.

"Oh.... Wrong time?"

I just just sighed. This idiot. What the hell does my cousin see in him?

"You guys should know that she came back for you guys." I said awkwardly.

"HEY I HEARD YOU GUYS HAD PIZZA?" Niall yelled bursting through the door behind Zayn.

"Dumb asses everywhere." Claudia muttered closing her eyes.

"IT IS CLAUDIA!" they screeched appearing in front of Claudia, almost tipping her over.

"Don't injure her more!" Zayn said frowning.

I smiled but looked at Louis he was lost in his thoughts. I needed to know.

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