Chapter 32

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I have the whole story planned out now guys! Please comment wether you would like a sequel or a completely new Union J fan fiction next



I heard a sudden crash and rushed downstairs. The noise seemed to have come from the kitchen so I ran there first. I saw Maeve lying on the floor unconscious and I ran over to her and knelt beside her.

"Josh what happened" I asked softly, as though I was going to wake Maeve up.

"I shouted at her and then she..." Josh trailed off

"Just blacked out" I finished as Josh nodded.

"HOW COULD YOU SCARE HER JOSH, ITS YOUR FAULT" I shouted at Josh. I couldn't bare to see Maeve like this, it broke my heart.

Unexpectedly Josh grabbed his coat from the back of the chair and rushed off, I just assumed he was off to Nicolas...

George's POV

Daisy and I had been locked in this freezing room for about two days now, and it was complete hell. Even over two days we had both come dangerously thin, as Rachel hadn't given us much to eat, and what she had given us I let Daisy have.

We were sat in silence in the dark, my should around Daisy's tiny figure, her body daintly resting on my chest. I stroked her hair, when suddenly she whispered "George I'm scared, what if they take me away from you" she sounded panicked so I pulled her closer and whispered "They will never split us up now, whatever happens I will stay with you" I replied, although the truth was I was scared what may happen to us, I knew what Rachel was capable of...

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