Chapter 7

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Hey guys! Thanks for reading. This chapter is mainly going to be about the concert, both from Emmy and George's POV

Emmy's POV

I looked over as the backstage door opened. "DAISY!" I shouted a bit too loud. I ran over to her and whispered "where did you go?"
"Only to the Starbucks we passed on the way here" Daisy explained. "With George?" I questioned, as I did so I saw Daisy blush. "Yea, and the Paparazzi saw us" she bit her lip looking worried.

Daisy's POV

The thing is I'm worried what all the fans would think about me, no doubt if get loads of hate- even if I wasn't dating George. The fans seem to be rather protective over the boys. I don't know how they would react if I went out with George- anyway I was hardly going to date him was I?!?

George's POV

Our manager came over to me and the boys to tell us we had ten minutes until Elyar went on- and he was going to be on for 20 minutes and then we were going to go on for 90 minutes! I can't wait! I walked over to Daisy who was chatting with her sister to tell her it was 30 minutes until we went on. She told me that her and Emmy were going to watch Elyar as well and that they would see us after the show. "Wait" I said. Emmy and Daisy spun around. I heard Daisy say to Emmy to wait where they were, and I felt a wave of relief when I heard her say that. She jogged over and looked up at me with her beautiful blue eyes. "Ummm here" I said shakily "it's my number I'd love to keep in touch" she giggled and put the piece of paper into her bag. "Thanks" she smiled, "hopefully I'll see you after the show"
"Hopefully" I reply "but the people with the meet and greet tickets come after the show. So it could be busy" I explained biting my lip. Suddenly I heard the announcer telling the excited audience that there was only five minutes until Elyar went on stage. Five minutes left with Daisy. Suddenly I grabbed her hand and pulled her into my dressing room, we each had a separate dressing room, and then a green room we shared together. I knew no-one was in my dressing room, so we were safe for a few minutes. I shut the door and then looked at Daisy in the eyes just as she stepped forward, our lips almost touching....

Thanks for reading guys!
XxEmilyxX thanks for all the support my fellow Jcats xxx (you know who you are)

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