Chapter 15

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Hey guys!
I'm SO SORRY I haven't updated for over a week! I've been so busy over the past week with netball and I'm moving house soon so that's been pretty stressful so yea...
This chapter is dedicated to @jjhambletsgirl1 - she's been so much help and I love her so much :)

PS. @carrots4ever2468 - get on with your story! Haha

Daisy's POV

I wake up and stare out my big window. It is still pitch black so I roll over to see that it is 3:40am. I wonder about what George said earlier that evening and contemplated wether to text him in the morning or not. I grab my phone from my bedside table and see if I have any messages, surprisingly I do.

From: Unknown Number

Uh oh. I stared at the screen and quickly texted George

To: George Shelley
Do you have a gf?

From: George Shelley
No... Why?

I was surprised he was up at this time to! Maybe he was worrying about life along with me.

To: George Shelley
Because some1 told me 2 stay away from you.... :(

From: George Shelley
Dais, don't worry- I'm not going out with anyone- so your not getting in the way of my relationship.... Kinda

I wondered what the kinda meant, but I was so tired I just texted George that I was really tired, and once again instead of asking I just bottled up my feelings.

Thanks for reading guys!
Sorry it's so short- this is only to explain why I'm not writing as much to be honest- but I thought I'd throw a small part in aswell :)
Please carry on being patient xx
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