Chapter 10

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Daisy's POV

I watched as the boys got surrounded by fans, all with things for them to sign, or things to give to the boys. I had to smile at how sweet they were. I blushed thinking about how old I looked compared to all the 13/14 year olds. Mind you I had Emmy as my excuse, she was getting on really well with Nicola and we had discovered she was on the same train back with us, and she only lived a few streets away from us. After about 30 minutes the crowds started to clear and Union J were visible again. They all had plenty of letters, gifts and George had even received a huge teddy bear which had nerd glasses and a t-shirt saying 'Jcat' on it. I wandered over to the boys to say goodbye when Josh said "why don't you come back to ours? We have pizza!" I wondered wether or not to go, it would mean I get to spend more time with George and it would be Emmy's heaven. "Ok" I said "I'll just text my mum"

M- mum D- Daisy

D - HEY mum! Met some friends at the concert- would it be alright if we got a later train home and stayed with them for a while?

M- of course! What train home are you getting?

D - 11:45 instead of the 10:30 xx

M- see you then!

D - Bye xxx

"YAY WE CAN GO" I screamed.
"What time train you getting?" George asked "11:45" I quickly replied "so we can have a few hours together" I said as I winked at George. "LEGO!" Josh shouted and I shot George a confused look "that's Josh's way of saying lets go" George explained; rolling his eyes.
"Ooh" I giggled- these Boys were full of energy after performing an hour concert an meeting fans for half an hour afterwards!

We started to walk towards the exit of the arena to get into the car park. After many doors were opened we finally saw the exit. As we walked out a few fans were still standing there- an hour after the concert had finished! The boys spoke to them and then we headed over to two big black cars. George, josh and I got into one and Jaymi, JJ, Maeve, Emmy and Nicola got into the bigger one.

This is going to be a fun evening...

Hey guys!
Hope your enjoying it. I will write more after my tea

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