Chapter 29

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Sorry if you have already had this part, most people didn't seem to get it

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Nicola' s POV

Within about ten minutes we had around 10 police officers inside the house. Josh had rang Jaymi, and JJ and now Maeve, JJ, Jaymi, Olly, Josh and me were sitting in our living room with the police firing questions at us

"when were they last seen"

"George, last night, Daisy, previous day"

"do you have any connection to them?"

"George is in the band with us, and him and Daisy are dating"

Jaymi spoke to the officers calmly and confidently while some officers questioned us and others scribbled down notes into black notebooks. Emmy had been kept out of the drama and had gone to stay with a friend as none of us wanted her to get distressed with all the police and everything. After around 10 minutes of questions, seven of the police officers set off to look for George and Daisy while the other three waited with the rest of us, in a very silent house. I sat biting my nail, my head resting on Josh.

"Baby why don't you get some sleep" Josh whispered in my ear.

I nodded and headed upstairs, as soon as my head hit the pillow I drifted off to sleep...

Josh's POV

Once Nicola had gone off to rest, I suddenly felt the urge to go looking for George and Daisy. I was angry at George for leaving us but I also understood because if it was Nicola I would have done anything to find her.

I jumped off the sofa and started to wander towards the kitchen to make a cup of coffee. As I walked into the kitchen one of the police officers got a call. She looked over at me worridly and carried on talking into the phone. Once she ended the call she looked over at me and said "a body of a young girl has been found quite near here"....

OMG DRAMA! Sorry for a cliff-hanger. I'm evil like that mwhaha XxEmilyxX

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