Chapter 14

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Hey guys! Sorry it's been a few days, I've been really busy with netball training :)

Daisy's POV

As I wake up I realise what's been happening over the past day. I am now back at home after a very tiring train ride home from London. Emmy and Nicola decided to keep in touch, and I'm sure i'll see more of Maeve too. I quickly hop into the shower, and wash my hair. I get out and put on a light pink t-shirt, a wooly cardi, and some chinos. I go back into my room and apply a small amount of make-up, just some eyeshadow, lipbalm, blusher and finally a little bit of mascara. I also curled my hair into soft ringlets and clipped back my fringe with my now hair tie.

I wandered downstairs to find that nobody was up, so I took the golden opportunity to watch the TV. As I turned it on the news came on, the celebrity news to be specific. I noticed a picture of a boy and a girl, and they looked VERY familiar. That's was when it struck me, it was me and George. "Shoot" I mumbled under my breath, grabbing my phone out of my jeans pocket. I quickly scrolled through my list of names down to S, where I quickly found George Shelley. Hastily I pressed the call button, I heard the dial ring through and then a very cute voice say, "hello? Is that Daisy?" I had to smile when I heard voice before I heard again "hello? Is anyone there?" I quickly said down the speaker "yea, hey George it's me, Daisy"
"DAISY" he screeched down the telephone. "Woah! I've only been gone a day" I laughed. "I know but I've missed you" George said in his cute way. "Look George, have you seen the news?" I asked "no" he replied "why?"
"We'll because we are on it, for 'dating' what shall I do?" George was silent for a minute but I knew he was still there. "Look Daisy, I'm sorry if you can't handle it all, we don't have to be friends..." I soon cut him off "George of course I still want to be friends, this isn't going to stop me!" I laughed at George's worried voice. "I just want to know if I should do anything?"
"No, no, just don't speak to anyone asking about me" he advised. "Thanks George" I said "we really should meet up again soon"
"YEA" he screamed, then stopped and whispered "because there is something I want to ask you"

Dun dun Dunn!
What's George's news?
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Love ya

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