Chapter 24

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Tris P.O.V.

On my second day of work, I have 3 costumers in the morning. One was a really heavy man who wanted a turtle tattoo. It seemed impossible because I had to draw the hexagons on its shell, but Tori told me it was one of the easiest tattoos there. That's probably why she had me do it- because let me tell you, I am the WORST person for this job. I am a terrible artist.

But anyway, my 2nd costumer was a female. She had straight brown hair, chocolate brown eyes, and a flawless face. I actually sorta got to know her. Her name is Sophie and she transferred from Erudite 4 years ago. She seemed really nice and gave me her phone number (idek if they actually have cell phones in Divergent, but I need to write that for "certain purposes").

"555-1062" she said to me after I have her a tattoo of a heart on her shoulder.

"Thanks," I say to her. "And don't forget to keep that bandage on for the next 8 hours!" I yell. "Come back again soon!" I try to say, but she is out the door and gone already.

My third costumer is none other than the magnificent man with 4 fears himself- Tobias Eaton.

"Well," I say with a grin. "Glad to see you here."

"Glad to be here," he replies smoothly. He always knows what to say.

"And which tattoo would you like me to permanently mark your skin with on this fine morning?" I ask.

"Three characters and a symbol," he says. he writes out on a piece of paper: 4 + 6, and draws a flame. "In that font, please." He points to thick, bold font sample on the wall of the parlor.

"Aww," I say to him. He just smiles and I get to work.


After I finish my "artwork", if you can call it that, I stare in admiration. It is truly beautiful. I send Tobias off and ask Tori to make the same exact tattoo only arm as well. She also adds a flame to mine and I love it with my life.

I head home to my apartment and start to get ready for my date tonight.


Alright I just wanted to thank everyone reading this right now. I recently got 20k reads on my story and I legit flipped. You have all been so supportive of my work, whether you know me personally or not. I can't appreciate all of you more. Thank you.

Thanks so much again,
Ella 🐢

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