Chapter 1

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Tris P.O.V.

I look at the rankings again to make sure I can see correctly. 1st? Is that a good think?

"Hey Tris." I turn to see Uriah standing behind me.

"Oh hey Uri. Congrats on getting 2nd!" I say to him. I hope he doesn't think I'm trying to brag to him. Why would he? He's my friend. I'm way too self conscious, I think to myself.

"Thanks Tris, but I should really be congratsing you! Like my new word? I'm just that cool. Anyway, Zeke's throwing a party tonight. Wanna come?"

"Sure! See you then." I say. I need to get my mind off things and take a break for a while.

"Initiates, don't forget that you will choose your jobs next week and receive your apartments then too," says a deep voice that I know can only belong to Tobias. I smile as I walk back to the dorm.

As I am about to reach for the door knob, the door swings open and I see a stressed Christina. Oh god, I think to myself.

"Tris! I was just about to go looking for you!" she screams. I know, I think to myself and smirk. "We have to go shopping immediately! Zeke's party is only in 5 hours! And I know you and Four definitely have something 'going on'" she says putting air quotes around the last two words. I groan as she pulls me out the door.


As we arrive at our fifth store, she has to drag me through the door. We begin to look and she spots something. I can tell by the way her eyes just light up.

"You must try this on! Please please please! For me!" I know that of she's begging me that much just to try that on, it must be WAY out of my alley. And I am correct. It's a black leather skirt with red rhinestones lining the bottom and red flame designs sewn into the waistband. Oh my god Christina, I think.

"Not. A. Chance." I tell her.

"What if I give you 5 points to try it on and I'll pay for it if you get it?" She asks. She is really desperate for me to get it, but she does know that if points are brought into the conversation, I can't refuse.

"Fine," I say. "Hand it over." she squeals with delight as she gives it to me. When I walk out of the dressing room, she gasps.

"Wow," she states, her mouth open in an O. "Here try this on with it." She hands me a black tube top with a sweetheart neckline. As I walk out, she says, "I'm buying that for you, no matter what you say." She looks at her watch and her eyes pop open wide. "Let's go," she says. "We only have 2 more hours until the party!"

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