chapter 1: lost child

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A few notes for you

~that is a pic of lazari not frisk. I just changed it to look like frisk just a bit darker looking

~frisk is 15 years old. Sans is 16...For now.

~asgore is evil

~no resets.

~frisk stutters when she lies, scared or nervous

~Papyrus is 1 and 5 months


Frisk POV

There once was a women...
Who's body was cursed...
If she dare bear a child...
It will die before its birth...
Through madness he crept...
The monster of dark...
He promised a child...
To ease the women's heart...
A daughter at last...
She wept with joy...
Not knowing at once...
She was just his toy...

~signed Frisk

"Mama! Where are you? Papa said to come in the castle!" I gasp looking at a tree, the one I played by as much as I could, I saw something hanging. I fell to my knee's...It was mama. ""

I couldn't go back, father would use me to hurt people and I'm too young to be queen. So I ran. All I could do was run and scream:

"Someone! help! Please! Mama's dead!" I tripped. I was running too fast and wasn't looking where I was going. I stayed there...I just lay there too scared to move not because I heard something. It was because I was struck with grief. "...mama always called me a monster...She never loved me" I sat there crying.

"Oh dear! What are you doing here? The forest is no place for a child!"

"Huh? Doctor Gaster?" We stared at each other he seemed confused until he opened his mouth to speak. He was my father's scientist.

"Princess...Frisk? What are you d- are you crying your highness?" He picks me up and stares at me.

" dead" he widened his eye's.
"Queen toriel?" I nod my head unable to answer. All I could do was look down and stare at the floor.

"We must get you home" I look at him quickly.

"No! Father will make me hurt people!" His eyes widened more.

"....right.". He turned back around. "We'll go to my house you'll be safe there". I hug him.

"Thank you...." I can't say anything else. He put me down and held my hand.

"You're welcome...princess" he walked away while dragging me.

~~~~~About 20 minutes later~~~~~

We arrived at a house decorated with colorful lights.

"Wow!" I stare at one of the windows and notice another skeleton. "Huh?" He was looking at me intently. He had a red scarf and orange pajamas. I waved at him he seemed excited. Gaster pulled me in. And I was greeted by a friendly face.

"Heya I'm sans, sans the skeleton. wait up...aren't you the princess?" I stare at him and he stares back while gaster goes to the kitchen.

" me frisk" why am I nervous? "Who was the skeleton at the window?" I blush...wait why am I blushing?

"Oh that was my younger bro papyrus. He's so cool you want to meet him?" I look up I'm sure there's stars in my eyes.

"I'd love to!" He touches my shoulder and I just blush and stare at his white pupils...cute. at that thought I blush even more and cover my face.

"Hold on tight" he smiles at me while I uncover my face and a white light emerges from all around us. When the light fades I fall into his arms. "You okay kid?" He blushes slightly.

"W-What was t-that?! A light- then a different- oh my god am I dead?!" He giggles at me.

"No kid I teleported" my eyes widen until I notice that papyrus was staring at me.

"H-Hey you must be papyrus nice-?!" He jumped on me. Sans just sat down next to us.

"He likes you. Oh and paps can't speak. He can only speak a little. Watch this. Hey paps say 'sans'" paps looked at sans and smiled.

"SNANS" he repeats over and over.

"Omg. You're adorable" I had stars In my eyes. And sans touched my cheek and made me face him And he stared at me. I blushed madly.

"Wow. You have giant stars in your eyes!" I look away and sans just put on a confused look. "A...are you ashamed of your star eyes?"

"K-Kinda...papa and mama always said that I looked childish...Then again..." I looked down the stars in my eyes had faded and I was tearing up.

"don't be ashamed kid! I have star eyes too!" I looked at him again. He had stars too. I just blushed. "Wait. Then again what?" His eyes stopped being stars and I went back to staring at papyrus.

"If we're going to talk about this...put papyrus to bed and--" gaster walked into the room.

"There you're child. I apologise but you'll have to sleep on the sofa. We're low on extra rooms." I nod my head until sans intervened.

"She can sleep in my room. After all I have the second biggest room in the house. Plus an old bed in my closet." I smiled at him. He noticed this and I look away in embarrassment.

"That's very generous of you sans. Now I must go back to the lab."

"W-wait!" I grab his lab coat and he bends down to my size.

"Yes child?" I stare at him and sans gives a very confused look.

"I-I need to ask you something...Do you think I'm a monster?" Everyone seemed shocked at my question. Even papyrus stopped and stared at me.

"What made you think you were a monster child?" I wipe away the tears that I was desperately trying to hold in.

" reason. Sorry for the inconvenience." He just patted my head and walked out. It was really tense after gaster left. So I decided to tell a joke.

"Hey wanna hear a joke?" Sans had stars in his eyes again.

"I'd love to hear one!" He started doing small jumps.

"Okay, what did the skeleton say when another skeleton told a lie?" I started to giggle slightly and sans was too eager to hear the joke.


"You can't lie...I can see right through you!" We stared at each other before falling down with laughter.


Annnnnnnddd we're done here. Hope you enjoyed.

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