Will Solace and the starving angel

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(Jace Carson iz my oc.....)

The train bumps about on the train tracks as I watch the boy sitting across the train car from me. I watch as everyone avoided him, not looking him in the eye, talking to him, or even had the kindness to smile at him. 

The boy doesn't say a word, he keeps his head down, his thoughts to himself and writes. The boy has raven black hair. His skin is pale, almost the color of tree sap. He already wears the school uniform, the black robe, along with the white button up shirt and black pants. It seemed to fit him so well. As if he were born to have a wand in his hand, and a spell rolling off his tong.  However, the dark robes he wears, seem to hang off his body. He wore blank expression. And at that one moment, I knew I wanted to make him better, physically and mentally. 

My mind races a million miles an hour, clouded with questions. I didn't even know his name, but honestly, it didn't matter much to me. All I knew was I cared so much for him, I would, and will do anything to help him. 


I gazed at the boy allowing my mind to wander, who was he?, what was he like?, and what was his story? 

I feel everyone's piercing gaze bore into my eyes. looking down, following the person in front of me, hearing all the houses shouted out. Nico, the starving angel, as I began calling him, was far behind me, they seemed to be going from tallest to shortest, why? I had not clue I hear someone yell. "William Solace" I gulped hard, and took a seat in the wooden stool. The old pointed hat crushing my blonde unruly golden hair. The hat has a weird smell, but it seemed to read my thoughts, get in my head. Before I knew it, the hat shouts, "HUFFLEPUFF!" I join the table with a yellow banner, and something I think, a badger? I take seat next a boy with curly brown hair and sparkly blue eyes. "Hi!" he waves, "I'm Conner, this is Travis," he point to a boy probably his brother, he waves, and says 'hi' but his mind is obviously elsewhere. I hadn't realized I was staring at Nico, until they called his name, "Slytherin!" its yells after some time, he quickly takes a seat with a group of people, next to a boy with jet black hair and sea green eyes, having to push down the feeling of jealousy in my throat.

I take this chance to see all the people I will be spending most of my life with. There is a guy with a military hair cut, he's buff, like extremely, but, he doesn't act like it, I watch as a another kid, she looks younger than me, with cat-eye glasses short black hair and bangs,-a page boy cut. she scolds the other boy for messing something up. I watch as he tries to gather a stack of books, I am certain, spell books, I spring from my seat, and give him a hand. Once we have stacked them again, he says, "thanks." 
I reply, "no problem, I'm Will, by the way,"I offer him a hand, he accepts, 
"Frank" He gives me a warm smile, which I return. 

"who's that?" I whisper to Frank, I now sit next to him, 
"Meg," he whispers back,
"she doesn't seem very nice.."
"she's bossy, but pretty nice when you get to know her. She's gone through a lot, that's all. We all have," I nod, but then I wonder again, 'what was Nico's?'

"who's that?" I ask, I say, pointing to a boy with tan skin, and brown hair, 
"Chris Rodriguez, he used to work for the dark lord, but then he found something...or rather, someone.."

"Who?" I ask curiously, 
"over there, at Slytherin," I turn my head to the table with the green banner, with the snake on it, the one where Nico sits, next to the green eyed boy. My gaze automatically goes where Nico was, I scowl at how close Nico sits next to the other boy, was I jealous? Possibly. "the girl with the bandanna," 
"the girl with the short dirt colored hair,"
"what a nice adjective.." I grumble. 

"sorry, I know, its just. look," sure as where he pointed, was a girl wearing a green bandanna, matching her tie, with dirt colored hair. 
"Oh, " I sigh sheepishly,
"those two are always sneaking off, they think their so secretive.."
"why do you know so much about them?"

he turns a bit pink, "uh...she's my sister."
"someone's a bit overprotective..." I smirk, he waves me off, 

I'm alone again. I don't like being alone...I look around the table, there's a ginger boy with curly hair, holding hand with a girl with auburn red hair, she seemed reminded me somewhat of a fairy, or a nymph. I didn't want to bother them. A girl with jet black hair and blue-belle eyes, she a has a far away expression,as if her mind was a million miles away from Hogwarts. 

"um, hi?" I nudge her, she blinks twice, 
"oh, hello."
"I'm Will, and you are?"
she smiles, her sent is intoxicating, its like honeysuckle, something natural made from unnatural things, she is pretty, no doubt. 
"uh, could you show me to my room?" I ask, when I realize that they assigned the last kid to Ravenclaw.
she smiles and nods, 

she says not a word to me, until she leads me to my room, "thank you, " I say at last, she nods and leaves, she seemed sad, I wondered why. I turn around to see my bunk mates.

I recognize, Chris, the curly haired dude from earlier, and there was a boy with blond hair, blue died with it. "hi..." says the curly haired one, timidly, "I'm Grover, this is, Chris, and Jace,"
"hey," I smile. These were going to be my room mates, they were going to be my friends, these were going to be my brothers, people I will spend most of my life with. I have to make friends with them, they have to like me...and I have to like them.


I lie up in my bed, glaring at the mattress above me, while Grover snores, Chris breathes awkwardly, due from having a cold, Jace might me muttering, but I'm sure he's up there drawing on his hand again, it doesn't matter how many times I tell him he's going to give himself ink poisoning, he doesn't listen. It really is impressive, what he draws, I tell him he should try painting, he waves me off saying, "then its no longer real." 

It has only been a couple weeks, but already I am very close with all the kids from Hufflepuff, they all are very friendly and nice. Though my best friends are Chris, Jace, and Grover. They know the truth, they know my secret.  And already I trust them with my life. 

There is also Conner and Travis, Tyson and Frank. Frank is cool, he's great at Transfiguration. Best in class. Tyson was clumsy, but had a knack for potion making, Conner and Travis were great at flying, potions making. Travis was strangely great at herbology, he and Katie were partners. Travis seemed more than happy about that.

As for Nico, every day I check up on him. We have nearly every class together, and with only about 16 kids per class, we often get put near each other. I can only thank any of the gods that may or may not be out there. He seems irritated. But, I know its for his own good, he starves himself, and I simply cannot allow him to. 

he sits alone, says he likes it that way, but how could anyone possibly be happy, when they are so clearly suffering.

I heave a sigh, when i am positive that everyone is asleep, "you are not alone my starving angel, and If its the last thing I do, I will get you to see, how much I love you."

after I made my vow, on the first of October, the night before Quidditch try outs, I slept soundly, in a peaceful, quiet sleep.

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