Will Solace, chemistry, and his hot lab partner

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my partner is Nico. Omygawsh. my partner is Nico! OMYGOSH!!! Be cool, Solace...be cool,

I don't pay in the slightest attention in my potions class all I heard was, "Will and Nico will be partners." I don't even know what the assignment is. and I don't really care. Nico has this look in his eyes, maybe longing, maybe excitement, but I really doubted it. "what's the assignment again?" I asked my lab partner, Nico di Angelo. I couldn't help but notice how good he looked in color. The yellow and black scarf around his neck, identical to mine.

"Weren't you paying any attention?" Nico spat,

sure, that hurt, but I decided to ignore the annoyance in his voice.
"so..no?" sheepishly I nod my head, Nico sighs before saying, "we're making a love potion."
"a love potion eh? Good think Snape didn't have us do this on Valentine's day." The smile melted off my face when Nico gave me an icy glare, giving me the impression he didn't like my joke. awkwardly, I turn my attention to our second year potions textbook. The small, black cauldron, about the size of a coffee cup. I wondered, why the heck were we learning a spell created by two former students, and why Snape was teaching it.

The list of ingredients,

ashwinder eggs,

rose thorns,


powdered moonstone,

pearl dust.

across the top, along with the title, 'Love Potion' scribbled in a black notebook,

"I know I zoned out a bit, but what?"
"we have to make an advanced potion, or we can create our own"
"well, lets do that!" I grinned excitedly, moving discreetly, towards the thin black notebook,

"what are you doing?!" Nico said as soon as he noticed me, holding his book protectively,

"whats the notebook for di Angelo?"
Nico mutters something unclear,
"....its my spell book...."
"THIS IS PERFECT!" I shouted a bit too loudly,

all the hufflepuffs, and Raven claws alike turned, I felt my cheeks grow warm.

The rest of the class, Nico and I decided what we were going to do, being dismissed shortly after, -

After astronomy, everyone returned to their rooms, personally, I just wanted to pass out on my bed and sleep, when Nico clears his throat, "we should work on our project.." Nico said looking down at his feet. I shed my robes, Nico does the same, I try and fail at trying to pull off the gray vest off. Nico laughs a bit at my expense, "help." I whimper pathetically. I hear Nico's footsteps, my arms are pinned up right, utterly useless.

Nico has surprisingly warm hands, I could feel my cheeks getting hotter by the second with Nico's hands on me. "hold on," Nico breathed, tugging with effort.

Nico and I were both pulling and tugging and pulling in different directions, until my undershirt came off along with my vest,

Nico's cheeks were tinted pink, my may have been also, I grab my robes from the ground, covering up my chest. Nico looked down at his meet as if they were the mot intrusting thing in the world, he wouldn't meet my gaze.

I glanced at the doorway, I saw our roommates, they seemed to notice I saw them, then they all ran different directions. I chuckled, Nico looked at me this time, "what?" he asks,
"now I know how a goldfish feels." I laugh, Nico doesn't seem to follow.


I lean in close, and kiss him, effectively shutting him up. I hear a thump, but I don't open my eyes, I'm assuming its Selina, Frank or Grover, I hold onto Nico's arms, voluntarily, Nico opens his mouth, widening the kiss. Later I may have thought I'd drempt it, Nico's mouth is warmer than I expect as well. I feel as Nico's hands find their way to my belt, blushing a bit, feeling as he unbuckles it. eventually we do pull away, both trailing a string of shared saliva. I was not satisfied, and there was a possibility that Nico wasn't either.

When someone cleared their throat behind me, Jace, "so, what have you two been working on?" He smirks, as if pretending he didn't just watch me kiss Nico,

I smirk back however, and say, "chemistry."

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