Nico di Angelo and that one time he almost killed his quidditch captain

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It hadn't come back to hit me until my first game of quidditch as a Hufflepuff. I was off the team? Wasn't I?

Or-that's what I thought...

"Nico! Nico! NicoNicoNicoNiiiicooooooo!!!" I felt someone jumping on me-probably Will.
I decided to humor him. "Yes?" I turned over, feeling a pair of warm hands cover my eyes. "Guess who?" The person giggled. It was Will-it had to be.
"Hm...Draco?" I asked in my most ridiculous accent.
"Who?" Will asked.
I laughed softly.
"Come'on Will, let go" I smiled
I felt a pair of lips planted on mine briefly.

I could see once again, however, Will now sat very close to me, his knee brushing mine.
Will rested his head on my shoulder, already in his robes.
Will then wrapped his arms around me, pulling me onto his lap, smiling. I looked into his eyes-being forced to do to facing him, with my legs wrapping around his chest.
"Your eyes are so pretty" Will whispered to me. I felt myself blushing.
"Yours are beautiful" I one-upped him.
He frowned. Then smirked. "Yours are radiant"
I blushed darker, covering my blistered face.

"Uh...guys?" A voice behind me said. "We're we walking in on something...?" I recognized the voice as Grover. I blushed up to my ears. Burying my face in Will's robes.
"Uh no in at the perfect time." Will lied. Giving me a quick peck on the lips.
Will lifted me up, I grasped tight while shifting so I was on his back. Will followed Grover to where we ate at breakfast.

Will pulled me off of him, sitting me on the bench. "So...Quidditch this year.." Frank started.
Will nodded eating a bite, and trying to force feed me on the side. "So excited!" squealed Jace, he turned a light pink. There was only one position on the quidditch team-Chris's. He had graduated last year. As well as being an empty spot on Slytherin..two actually...they'd have to replace me. That is-they'll try. The captain for Hufflepuff would probably end up being Frank-since he was oldest. "Hey Frank, who ya gonna choose for the team?" I asked, Frank shook his head. "why don't you talk to the captain?"
"which is..?"

he nodded. 
"ooookay then." I turned my head to this new 'quidditch captain' 

"hey Travis?" the boy with blue eyes and curly brown hair turned his attention from the Gryffindor table

"I was wondering if-Will, could you let me go for like two seconds?" I asked when Will pulled me onto his lap again. 
Will must have been 'pouting' because i heard his cute little whimper. But he did as asked. I smiled at Will for a moment before looking at Travis again, "i was wondering-do you know who'll take the empty spot on the team.."
"You. duh." he rolled his eyes,

just like that? "why?"
"Nico-your so talented-clearly you only listen to your hottie boyfriend" Travis wiggled his eyebrows and I resisted the edge to slap him. "so Will-tell your hottie boyfriend he's super talented, amazing and totally deserves a spot on the quidditch team-we might even win the quidditch cup this year!" 

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