two boys, and two letters

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Nico came from a long line of Slytherin's. His father, grandfather, his great grandfather and so on. His mother was a Gryffindor, as was his older sister. So, Nico was either to be brave...or evil. His father said he would make him proud regardless, and be a great wizard, but Nico knew his father expected Nico to be put in Slytherin. His father raised him and his little sister, Hazel, she was only a year younger than Nico, so Nico would have one year of Hogwarts, by the time she came.

Hazel is Nico's little sister, best friend, peace, joy, best kept secret, and the key to his sanity.

Bianca was the name of Nico's older sister, doomed to death in battle. And ever since that day, he despised Gryfindor's, that house, led to the death of his mother...and sister.

Hades is Nico's father, overbearing, intimidating, and a bit scary. He was on the Slytherin's Quidditch team, the best player, as his father always said, 'we always won by a land slide.' Hades was a big tough man, keeping out feelings ever since his wife and daughter were killed, keeping ice cold, a trait he may have handed down to Nico.


Will came from a long line of country singers. He....was tone deaf. Couldn't sing the simplest tune, he knew he didn't fit in. He lived with only his mother, no father or siblings, Will used to have a father, however, as his mom put it, ''he left us for some pretty girl...or boy, you never knew with your father."

Lou Ellen was Will's friend, his best friend in fact, kept him company in the countryside for years, until Cecil came along,

Cecil, was Will's other best friend. He moved in one day, and three formed a fast friendship, they did anything and everything together for 11 years.

Naomi was is Will's momma. She worked, and worked trying to keep their family farm from going under, she was always kind, the only thing that made her bitter, was Will's father, that went by Apollo. She used to be a popular country star, that's as how she met his father, at a concert. But now she was nothing more than and humble farmer, though she never complained about it.


Two owls, sent in two different directions, to two completely different boys, destined to be with each other. What could possibly go wrong?

AN: Okay, so yeah, each chapter will feature a solangelo Hogwarts fan art (mine or not) Originally I was going to make Will Gryffindor but I kinda see him more in Hufflepuff, and first I was going to make Nico Slytherin, but changed my mind to Hufflepuff (your welcome America) other ships will be involved,(but not main ones such as Caleo, Percabeth, Frazel, Jiper ect.) I think that's all bye!


yeahhh I'm editing this to be better. Cuz I am majorly ocd, and I needed something to do.


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