Nico Di Angelo, Will Solace, and their O.W.L.S, exam

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I was sprawled out on the table, three textbooks, five notebooks, and roughly a million empty coffee cups, and and around twice that many sticky notes.

It had yet again became time for the Owls Exams, i was in library, hiding myself from all distractions. mainly Will...There wasn't many kids, other than Slytherin's, and Gyffindors cramming for their exams. While i might not be in the Slytherin didn't mean I was going to give up Slytherin-like habits. 

I took another sip of my coffee, draining yet another cup. I decided on taking a short break, and do some free reading, this material, hopefully it would not threaten to melt my brain as bad as, "How to tame a unicorn" I passed a bookshelf, "hey Will," I say lazily, 
"Oh-uh hey Neeks..fancy seeing you here..."
"Will. this it the fifth time you have done this. its not a surprise anymore...did you bring the coco?" Will smirks, revealing two more white cups, he pecks my cheek, "how'd you know?"
"I know you Solace." I say plainly. 

Will is silent while I take a sip, I cringe from my now burning tongue. Will chuckles, "you should have let it cool.."
"Shut it Train boy.." I mutter.
Will, fake-offended, he gasps, "must you be so rude my starving angel?"
I blush his nickname, "Yes. I must." 

Will sat across from me on the work table I was using. " how's the studying coming?" Will smiled,
"Okay...but its hard to get anything done with you here." I fake scolded.
His smile widened, "come'on let's go back to our room Neeks." He began grabbing my books, "hey!" It came out louder than expected. Will gave me a bored look. And went back to work, piling my items up.
I took handfuls of cups, recycling them.
I finished about the same time as Will, I took the huge stack he had made, they were a lot heavier than I remembered. Will seemed to watch my struggle, taking the pile, and my bag. "Will!" I hissed.
"Yes darlin'?"
My cheeks heat.

I had my robes they seemed to hang off me...perhaps I was a bit skinny. I was walking close by Will to the Hufflepuff dorms. We made it to a low coffee table. And I passed out on one of the chairs in front of a window that allowed way too much sunlight to shine through.


I woke up with wet cheeks and a fast heart.
Will looked down at me in concern.
It was dark. Most likely late. But just how late?
I realised I was no longer in my black robes, yellow scarf, or even my gray vest for that matter. I know I left to study in layers despite usual warm weather, today it was dark and rainy. Matching my usual mood.
Suddenly, I felt a but self-conscious. Was Will taking care of me? Was he worried? Did I scare him? Did I have another nightmare?

I looked down, I was in my boxers, and a shirt I didn't recognize. It was huge, and bright. Definitely not mine.

"Will?" My voice croaked out, sitting up, immediately regretting it.
"Easy." Will said, his kind smile dose not waver. Will touched my chest, possibly feeling my lungs. He grimaced. "That ain't good.." He muttered.
I touched my throat. "Will?" I tried again.
"Yes my starving Angel?"
I was to tired to blush. "W-what happened?"
"You've been working yourself to exhaustion Neeks..,"
I felt myself flush with shame. "Sorry" I mutter
"S'allright." He smiled, giving me a small hug. Leaning into the bed I was on-his bed I realized.

He held my hand, making shapes on it, humming a tune to a far off song. And with his calming voice, I dropped into a drowsy sleep. Not aware of my own mutterings of my own tune.

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