Will and Nico don't want to say goodbye.

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Last day of Hogwarts.
How was this fair?
Answer: is wasn't.

I woke up feeling nothing but dread.
I was shaken awake by Will. Today he wore blue jeans and a orange T-shirt and flip flops-which were yellow of course.
What year we've had...

We had the day to ourselves. I dressed quickly into a pair of ripped black skinny jeans-and a black skull T-shirt. and of course the bracelets from Silena I wore from our first date-Will had smiled and told me he wanted to take me somewhere 'special' for our last day.

Apparently he has low standards. We sat in a meadow outside the forbidden forest. Was he mad?! Even he knew how dangerous it was! 

"Will? What's wrong with you!?!" I asked while Will sat on the grass, gazing up at the sun.
"Apparently that i love my whiny boyfriend a bit to much..." Will teased.
I blushed crimson. "S-shut up.."
Will smirked "nope."

I sat down next to him anyway.  "I hate you..." I grumbled.
His smirk widens. "Love you too my starving angel."
I found myself blushing harder. "Y-you know i-i'm not starving myself a-anymore..."
He invited me to scoot closer. And I did, until we were side by side looking up at the sky. "I guess I'll have to change your name then, hm?"
I covered my face. And snuck a peek between my index finger and my personal favorite one. "Hmmm?" I asked longer than I need to.
"Come're future Mr. Solace."
I'm dead. I'm going to die here today if this escalates in the slightest. I'm dead. I'm sooo dead.

Will rolled to one side, before I know it he's nearly living on me-suspending himself with his arms so he does not crush me. Our noses were only inches apart. He looked into my eyes and I looked into his. It was a magical moment I didn't want to end. This moment couldn't possibly be better. Or that's what I thought-before he kissed me. It was like being suspended in time. I had no idea how long or short it was. I just knew it was simply beautifully, perfectly imperfect. The best moment in my life-however the fact was-with Will each and every moment was my best moment, getting better by the second. I did not want the school year to end. I realised I was star gazing into his blue eyes again. I shook myself from the murky waters of thought, until I had a clear head. I was brought back to reality when Will said nervously four words that would change our lives forever-and no it was not will you marry me? No. It was, I have some news. However. It was the best news. Possibly the best news ive heard all year.
"So Nico...there's this camp over in the US, long island specifically... I was wondering-if it was okay with your dad....that you could come?"
I wanted to jump for joy like a child and say yes a million miles a second. But then I remembered it wasn't up to me. It was up to stubborn-ass father...oh geez..
"I really hope I can..." I sighed. Will smiles softly.
"I do too" he kissed my forehead.

"I can't believe your dad said yes." I laughed as Nico and I boarded the Hogwarts express.
"Me either..." He muttered.
I made sure to walk close by him because I couldn't hold his hand due from all the stuff we had to carry onto the train.

As soon as we got everyone from our houses to leave us alone, I welcomed my boyfriend to sit on my lap again, I let out a happy sigh when he did not decline. I kept my arms protectively around Nico, resting my chin on his head. He didn't protest so I held him until the train had finally arrived at the station of long island.

The entrance to the camp was bit odd though-there was a ginger haired boy with furry legs and brown horns. "What is this place?" Nico asked before I did-then gazed at the amazing entrance. The boy smiled and said, "welcome to camp half-blood."


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