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A/N: AHHHHHHHH ok so i dont know if anyone is gonna read this because i have not written in over a year (sorry idk why but iM BACK) i also dont know if anyone still has this book in their library or even likes mavi anymore i sure do. this story might be VERY bad but i havnt written in a year so i think i lost it.

well thats all thanks for being here friends hope someone reads this sorry if its very bad(also i forgot how to make things bold if i remembered i would make this a/n bold)


"So that's it huh?" I asked in a quiet voice. Tears were running down his face, his breaths heavy, his chest moving quickly. He breathed in, his breath was shaky. "Yes, that's it." he looked into my eyes, his red from crying. "Please...please just...leave." I picked up my backpack from the couch and went on my way.

As I walked down the narrow, dark staircase of the apartment building I thought to myself. I don't fully know why he broke up with me. I wasn't devastated, he was always mad at me for some reason.

I was just trying to be myself, I guess the fact that I'm quite bad at communication is a deal breaker for people like him. I can never get the words out that I want to, and he would always take things so personally. I guess I'm happy to have him out of my life. I just need to find someone who understands me.

I walked out into the cold, dark street. There were cars zooming past me, I made my way to the alley way where I kept my bike. Still thinking. Why can't I find someone who can accept how introverted I am. I love to talk to people who enjoy talking to me but if I get thrown into social situations with many people I do not know, it's tiring. He just wasn't the right guy for me.

As I am unlocking my bike my thoughts get interrupted by what I think is a muffled scream. I look around me trying to find the source, seeing if someone was in need. I look on the wall of the building behind me, I see a silhouette.

This silhouette looks like a smaller person with large arms around them, I see one of the larger arms go up and swing, I then hear the same muffled scream I heard earlier. I start to walk over hoping nothing bad is happening and that I am seeing this silhouette wrong. I hear yet another scream, this time it was less muffled, it sounded like a high pitched voice. "Let go of me!" the high voice said. "No! Not until I am done with you." I hear a low voice say back. I start to pick up my pace. I begin running over to the source of the noise and I see them.

There was a tall, tan man grabbing at a smaller man. "Hey!" I yell grabbing the Larger mans attention. I say in a stern voice "let go of him!" The man scoffed. "Or what?" I ran in closer to the scene, not knowing what I should do. I saw this helpless small man on the cold ground crying, I wanted him to be safe. Next thing I know my fist was flying at the taller mans face. I hit him in the face as hard as I could. A second after I hit him in the gut, he flinched down and his arms were off the man on the ground. I kicked him once more in the gut and then, thinking quickly, I picked up the smaller man off the ground.

His arm wrapped behind my neck and my hands were under his knees and back. I started running as fast as I could to escape the other man. It was so dark I just needed to get out of sight.

I ran down the alley for about ten minutes, hoping I was out of sight. I was so out of breath from running with another person in my arms but I just wanted to save him. I went into a dark corner and placed him gently on the ground with his head in my lap. He was still crying.

"Hey, hey don't worry, I think I ran out of sight from that man who was hurting you." He wrapped his arms around me and quietly sobbed. I said quietly "My name is Avi. Can you tell me your name?" He was still sobbing but he looked up at me, he had bruises all over his face and a cut along his cheek. "M-" his voice was shaky and quiet from sobbing. "Mitch." I looked over his face more, he had messy brown hair that was shaved on the sides and just covered his forehead. "Well Mitch, do you want to come rest up at my house or do you need to go to the hospital?" Mitch was quiet for a moment but then said in a whisper. "May I rest at your house?" "Yes, yes of course." My house wasn't too far away either, I could most likely get there within twenty minutes.

Twenty-five minutes later I was climbing the stairs in my apartment building with Mitch in my arms. I opened up my door and placed him on the nearest couch gently. I brought him an ice pack and a glass of water and sat by his side. "Mitch?" Mitch turned to me "Yes?" he asked still in a whisper like before. "What happened? Are you okay to tell me, you don't have to if you don't want. I mean it was probably a bad situation I wouldn't want to intru-" I stopped talking because I realized I was rambling. "Sorry for rambling, I just want to know that you're okay." Mitch gave me a small smile. "I'm okay now. May I sleep here?" He asked. "Yes, yes." I said back. He then looked at me for a bit, still smiling. I didn't say anything, I didn't care at all. His smile was so sweet, I am happy he could even smile in a moment like this. He picked up his glass of water and had a sip.

"Thank you for saving me Avi." He said, after taking a sip. "Thank you so much."

a/n sorry if it was very bad sorry sorry sorry, i might delete later i probably will its midnihgt
-also i don't know how regularly i'll update, i will when i get ideas to write :)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2017 ⏰

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