Summer Break

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A/N: Ellie told me to change the title cool
This is my first time trying to write fan fic hope you enjoy! :)

The day I left. The best day that entire summer.

Two months after I got out of my junior year of college, I worked at a small coffee shop a few blocks from my parents house. The moment he walked in I noticed him, he was gorgeous, his pale green eyes, his brown hair swept back into a man bun. As he started walking towards the counter I had to snap back into reality. "Hi" I heard in a low voice, once he said that word I fell for him. "Hi, what can I get you?"

"ice coffee please" he did a small side smile after he said that. There was nothing not perfect about this man.

I made his coffee and gave it to him and once he walked out I felt a loss. I knew, this mysterious stranger was the man of my dreams and once I let him walk out of that coffee shop without knowing anything about him I knew I had lost something, something that could be very special.

1 hour later it was the end off my shift, it is 4pm and I was still upset with myself that I let him go. I was mindlessly walking around just thinking about him. I walked all the way to the park I used to go to when I was a kid. I sat on the bench by the water fountain and took out my phone hoping that something could take my mind off him. I was there maybe 10 minutes before my phone was running out of power, but my phone running out of power was maybe the best thing that could of ever happened to me. I got up, frustrated, and started walking, just looking down at the sidewalk until I bumped into someone. I heard it, the gorgeous voice belonging to the gorgeous man. "oop sorry" he said. I looked up, wide eyed, in that moment I felt like I had never been so happy too see someone in my life.

He looked at me the same way.

"you're the boy from the coffee shop!" He sounded excited when he said this, as excited as I was.

"yes, I am" Now felt like the right time to introduce myself "I'm Mitch"

"Avi" he said holding out a hand for me to shake. I shook his hand and didn't know what to say. He held onto my hand and brought me to the bench I was just sitting at. We started talking and he was amazing, he just graduated from USC and was living in California. We talked for hours, loosing track of time. Before we knew it, it was 6pm and he got a text. "I got to go, my friend I'm staying with wants me home." he said in an apologetic tone. "Could I get your number though?" I was shocked by the question, this perfect man wanted my number? "Sure" I put the number in his phone and when he looked down he gave his little side smile again. "It was really nice talking to you, Mitch" He said to me in a sweet voice. As he walked away I was still in sock about what just happened.

The last month of that summer was amazing. We spent almost everyday together, That park bench was our meeting place, everyday after work I would see him there, waiting for me, and everyday it felt more sweet then the last. We had not gone on a official date that entire month but I definitely liked him. A lot.

There was one day he was not there. I was confused. Was this his way of dumping me in the relationship we were not even in? I don't know, I'm overthinking this I'll just wait for him at our bench, he has to come soon. I was using my phone and he came up behind me and hugged me and kissed me on the cheek. This was the most surprising yet best thing that could of happened. I blushed. "Oh my goodness sorry" he said recoiling almost immediately holding his hands up. I looked up at him he was blushing a deep red. "No it's okay." I said and motioned him to sit next to me. He sat next to me and I looked at him and he was still blushing. I don't know what came over me but I kissed his cheek and it was amazing, it only lasted for a few seconds but when I sat back he looked shocked. "payback" I said in a confident voice.

The next week he was there before me as usual but he didn't look as happy as normal. "Hey what's up? you look down." I said to him worried

"I have to leave tomorrow Mitch" As he said that a huge wave of sadness came upon me.


"My friends girlfriend just moved in with him so I can't stay there anymore" He responded sounding sad, his head down

I didn't know what to say

we sat there in silence but it felt like so much was being said.

I knew I wanted to be with Avi for the rest of my life, but he was leaving after me only knowing him for about a month and a half, maybe I was taking things out of hand I was 21 and convinced I found the love of my life. I really don't know.

"Mitch..." this made me snap back into reality

"yeah?" I said looking toward him

And as soon as I looked up at him I felt his lips on mine. For about a second my brain could not comprehend what was happening like was the man of my dreams kissing me right now? But I realized that this was reality and kissed him back and it was the most amazing thing that I have ever felt. I felt a actual emotional connection with Avi not just some stupid college boyfriend, someone who is there for me and always will be.

And this never changed.

That last day changed my life forever, we spent his last day together, going on a real date, we went to the mall together and then dinner and it was possibly the best way we could of spent his last day.

That day we took a photo together in a photo booth, we got 2 copies one for each of us.

Once he left I kept that photo with me everywhere I went. I went to school in New York so we were very far from each other but we talked everyday and it felt like he was there because of the photo.

On spring break I was going back home and the first place I went was the bench. I was about to sit down when I saw our photo with writing on it. "coffee" it said written on it in big letters. I knew automatically where to go.

I arrived at the coffee shop and saw him sitting inside, alone. I walked in and hugged him from behind and kissed his cheek, like he did to me. He knew exactly who it was, he got up and hugged me for real in front of all the people in the coffee shop but we didn't care I was happy in his arms and he was happy in mine, and it stayed like this forever.       



A/N Hope you enjoyed! Please tell me if I should continue this one shot book and if you liked this one shot. :)) see y'all stay fcute

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