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So just a reminder that I wrote like a book (yaaaaaay) If you could read it I would love you forever :P It's called 'the outside'

Everyday I see you I want you to be mine.

Everyday I see you sing with passion in every lyric

Everyday I stare until you catch me

Everyday I wish I could just kiss you

Everyday I see you I want you to be mine

Everyday I want to hold your hand

Everyday I look at you and think what everyday would be like

If we were together.

Every time I try to flirt you think I'm joking

Every time you see a hot guy on twitter you ignore me

Every time I want to tell you how I feel, you get distracted

Every time I see you whining about not having a boyfriend to Scott

I look down wishing you would realize that I could be there for you.

Every time I look into your eyes

I think about what everyday would be like, if we were together.

Every night I stay up thinking of you

Every night I wish I didn't have this feeling for you

Every night I questioned myself, asking why I feel this way

Every night I realize I cannot change the feeling

Every night I try to block out that I am in love with you. But I can't

Every night I just think about how everyday would be like

If we were together.

Today is today

I believe today can be different

Today I will talk to you and tell you everything

I believe one day, and someday, and this perfect moment called now.

Now when I tell you

I bring you over to the hallway asking to speak with you

I tell you everything

And you feel the same way

Today is different

You kiss me

this is different

I kiss back, loving every second

Everyday will now be different

Lol yeah this is really short but please tell me what you think :)



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