Love at first sight

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Do you believe love at first sight? I didn't until that day. After my ex-boyfriend broke up with me I gave up on love, he gave me a ring, promising he would marry me. But look at me now. 3 years after my boyfriend had broke up with me I went to the book store, searching for new books to read. I sat down with a new book about love, I had normally not read these types of books in thought of my last relationship but this one seemed good, and it lead to one of the best conversations of my life. 

I started reading the book, before I knew it I was almost done with chapter three, I look up from the book to see many people have disappeared from the store. I look over the the stand and made eye contact with the man of my dreams. I felt myself blush because he didn't look away. I look back down at my book and see the chapter is called "New Love". I close the book fast and look back up the the handsome man, maybe this was a sign? I thought to myself at the time. Looking at it now, it most definitely was.

I walk over to the checkout stand where the man was standing, he looked up from his phone and his eyes widened once he saw me. He looked at the book I was holding but I didn't look away from him, his pale green eyes, his dark hair tied back into a man bun, He was everything I was looking for. "Good book" I remember, that was the first thing he said to me. "Yeah, I read three chapters, it seems great." I said back. I handed the book to him and I looked down at it remembering the book was titled 'Love at first sight', which is what exactly was happening. He took the book from me and didn't look away from me for a second. "I'm Avi." He said to me looking at the cash register. "Mitch." I said looking down at my feet. He handed me the book in a bag, and I smiled, Avi didn't move after looking at me, he looked like he was in a trance. "Avi?" I said snapping in front of his face. "Oh sorry I was distracted by your beauty." He said with a small smile on his lips. Avi kept looking at me now with a small smirk. "Could I get your number?" He asked in a quiet, shy voice. I was unsure at first because he was a stranger after all, but giving him my number lead to many dates and it lead to where I am right now.

Standing in a forest near Avi's cabin, looking into the eyes I remembered from that one day at the book store, saying "I do". 


Heyy!! ok so please tell me what you guys thought of this really short story. 

Also if you could check out my new book 'the outside', it's a mavi book and I'm proud of it so far ;)

ALright love yall!!!!!1!


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