City Streets

774 35 19

inspired by a tumbr thing

I feel the cold wind hit my face as Mitch and I sit at a bus stop in Chicago, waiting for a taxi. The snow is falling down and I watch is slowly cover Mitch's head. Why didn't he bring a hat to Chicago? There is a gap between us and I want nothing more than to fill it and bring him into a warm hug. But I can't because we aren't dating, he would think I'm being strange. The others left about an hour ago with the car, we wanted to stay out and admire the city at night. But now we have to sit in the cold waiting for the taxi. I look back over to Mitch, he shakes his head in an attempt to get the snow off him. 

"Here." He looks to me holding out my hat "What why are you giving this to me? You will be cold." he says confused "I don't want you getting sick the day before we perform at jingle bash. He takes the hat and puts in on his head, he stops shivering, he seems more relaxed. I look back down and kick the snow a bit with my boot until I hear a small noise coming from Mitch, I look up to see he scooted a bit closer to me. He puts his gloved hand on the bench and keeps looking forward at the snow falling through the city. I look away from the city and at Mitch, his cheeks bright red from the cold, he keeps looking forward, as if he were in deep thought, or possibly frozen. I keep watching the snowflakes fall onto his eye lashes as he stares into space.  A large gust of wind comes through giving him the shivers again, he scoots closer to me. I look at his hand on the bench and before thinking take it in my own. He looks over to me surprised but doesn't move his hand. I look down the street watching as the snowflakes glisten in the light of the city. I hear the splashed of snow as cars speed past us, a large gust of wind passing with each car. 

Mitch scoots closer, our bodies a few inches away from each other. I take my hand away from his and put it around his shoulders in an attempt to keep him warm. I keep watching the cars pass by us almost splashing us with the cold, dirty water from the city streets. I feel Mitch's shoulder touch mine and I tighten my grip around him, he puts his head on my shoulder. I take his hand in my free hand and hold him close. I stay looking at his face, his nose pink and eyes slightly shut. I can't take my eyes off of him, he's perfect.

"Avi?" I hear his quiet voice and feel his head move up to look at me "Yeah?" I say looking into his dark brown eyes. I want to kiss him so badly, he looks so cold and fragile, and scared. He just kept looking at me as if he wanted to say something but didn't. I couldn't take it any longer. I put my arms around his torso and kissed him with all of the emotion that I built up and all of the courage it took me to do this. He put his arms around my neck and kissed me back pulling me closer to him. We broke the kiss and stayed in the position with out foreheads touching, just getting warmth from each other. I hug him close to me and we just stay on the bench, snow falling on our heads. The city seemed to be silent now, I couldn't hear the cars splashing by anymore, all I could hear were the soft breaths of the perfect man I was hugging on a cold winter night.

A/N: ok so no hate but I don't ship Gutch like everyone in the fandom is talking about it today and I don't even wanna like engage in any of the talk because I don't ship it.

alright see y'all 


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