I can wait...

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A/N hey guys this is kind of sad but also happy? These are letters from mitch to avi

Day 1

Dear Avi,

You got in that bus crash 2 days ago. Now that you are in a coma I feel like I have lost my soulmate. I want to communicate with you. So I'm writing this letter and WHEN you get out of this coma you will read them. I love you Avi I always will and as long as you are here I will be here too, As your fiancé and as your soulmate. The doctors said you would be up in possible 2 weeks. That feels like such a long time to spend without you! But

I can wait.

Love, Mitch.


Day 31

Dear Avi,

So it's been a month, wow time really flies. You are still not awake but I have not gone a day without seeing you. Everyday coming with just a bit more hope. You always told me that if anything bad happens, always have hope, and I always will. I will have hope in you Avi. I know you will wake up and each day I hope it is today. Our friends have been coming in less and less but that doesn't stop me I go home every night thinking about you, remembering all the good times we had and hoping to have much more. I fall asleep wishing you were next to me, our bed still smells of you. Sometimes I wear your jackets to remember how it felt when you put it around me. For now all I have is my memories. And I'm okay with that. I miss you my love but

I can wait.

Love, Mitch


Day 64

Dear Avi,

Yes, I'm still here and still love you.  I still miss you. Everyone misses you. I mean they only visit like once every week but they miss you. I promise. Your family came to visit, your mom started crying it made me so sad, she seems to of given up hope. You have only been in this coma two months. It feels longer than that but each day I come in smiling because I will never give up hope Avi. You would do the same. I love you more than anyone on this planet and I still know you love me. You don't show it right now but once you wake up I know you will. I miss your love but

I can wait.

Love, Mitch

A/N so I wanted to make this into a real like book but I wanted to see how you guys liked it. So....How do you like it :))

ALSO MY ONE SHOTS HIT 1.5K reads!!!!!!!1!!!!1 WHAT TYSM ILY GUYS!!!!

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