Why now?

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inspired by rose gold I guess???
sorry for switching POVs so much
hahahahah it's really late sorry for spelling

I walk down stairs to answer the knocks at the door. It's 11pm who's here?

I open the door to see darkness with rain falling hard to the ground and then

I see him.

"his" POV
I look up from my wet leather boots to see him, the man I love, the man I left, the man who I know would never take me back.
"Mitch," I say, I am fighting back the tears from missing him for so long. "Avi?" his eyes widened.

"Avi what are you doing here?" I was shocked, I thought he was never coming back. I loved Avi, but he left me, and I don't even know why. "Mitch I came to fix my life, I left for one year to clear my mind and I am so sorry I left you without any warning but while I was away you were the only one on my mind." His voice was cracking but I didn't see any tears, all I saw was the rain drops falling from the sky onto his messy hair. "Avi do you expect me to just forgive you?" I didn't mean it I did I loved him so Much there is nothing I want to do more then kiss him right now "Well...no I just wanted you to know that I'm back and that I am sorry and if you are willing to forgive me I would never do anything like that again I would love you unconditionally and forever." I saw a tear fall from his eye but he just kept looking me in the eyes.
I wanted to forgive him. I wanted to forget. but I can't get back the time I spent drinking and crying over him, the time I spent inside just thinking that he died or left me for someone else, but him standing here right now made my mind go blank, seeing his eyes I got lost. I took his face in my hands and kissed him, forgetting about everything that had happened because I truly love Avi more then I love anyone.

I felt his soft lips on mine and melted into the kiss. I didn't expect him to forgive me what I did was unforgivable in my mind, But I had to come. I spent night awake just thinking about him, how much I loved him, how much I wanted him to take me back.
We stayed there, making up what we lost for a year, until I heard an unfamiliar voice come from behind Mitch. "Mitch?" He asked sounding angry
Mitch pulled away quickly and I pulled back from that spot slowly and opened my eyes to see a shirtless, very tall man standing right behind Mitch. "Mitch care to introduce me?" he said grabbing Mitch's arm aggressively and pulling him away from me. "Hey! don't treat him like that!" I felt myself yell at him before thinking. damn it, what did I get myself into. he came right In front of me, he was extremely muscular. "what did you say?" he pushed me back "I said don't treat him like that!" I was angry Mitch is beautiful and an angel he should be loved, not pushed around. I felt a hit to my face that threw me to the ground and everything turned black. I woke up on the stairs of Mitchs house with the door closed behind me and the rain still falling on my face. I got up and looked back at the large house. "Guess I'm back to being alone" I said to myself and walked away from the house that used to be mine, the house that I left my heart at, the house I left my true love at.
Oop sorry LoveCarousel 's latest one shot messed with my emotions so this is what you get. I could make a part 2 and I might.


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