Three years

820 32 6

A/N: this is kind of sad

After all these years and I still can't forget about him. 

I stand outside the large door to our old house. I look at my boots and put the hood of my dark jacket over my head. After all these years I have done all I can to forget, I moved to England for a year to try to find love. I spent most of these days inside, thinking. I tried calling, he never picked up. I wanted to talk to him. I moved out to California to get away from my thoughts. But they followed me. My thoughts became my family, they followed me wherever I went. When I was sad for the 28th day in a row, I begged them to go away. Go away with him. I thought time was supposed to heal me. 

I stopped leaving my house. Somedays I never spoke. My thoughts were slowly killing me. The sleepless nights affecting me and my life. I would never sleep at night, never get up during the days. The last person I talked to said "it gets better" and to that I say when? When will it ever get better? When will my thoughts stop taking away my days? When will I stop being trapped by myself? My thoughts were the only voices I heard anymore and these voices were not avoidable like the people around me. These voices were me.

I close my eyes to get out of here. To get out of reality. But it never worked. I pick up my hand and brush it against the door. Behind this door he told me he loved me, behind this door he would tell me I was beautiful, behind this door is where we would watch movies together and he would always cuddle with me.

But now it's gone.


This house is no longer mine. His love is no longer mine. He is no longer mine.

I bring my hand down and start to walk down the stairs. I feel a tear stream down my face. I was used to this feeling the feeling of sadness, I was stuck with it every single day for three years. 

Why couldn't I fight back my thoughts? People told me to stay strong, leave the house more. Forget about him. 

But I cannot just forget. If I could I would. But when you feel the love that I felt for him. You can never forget. I get down the stairs of his porch and look at the streets that were normally busy but felt slow tonight. 

I hear a door behind be open.

"Hello?" I hear the voice I had been missing for these three years. I stand there frozen with my back facing the house. I feel the wind on my skin and don't hear anything. I look behind my shoulder and see a glimpse of him. The wind got stronger and my hood blew off my head revealing my face to him. I look back down to my boots and felt warm tears rush down my cold face. 

"Mitch?" He says. I look up and the tears fall faster, I haven't heard his voice say my name in years, now that he said it I remember when I would hear my name often. I remember when I would see him often.

I turn around revealing my tear stained face to him 

"Avi..." My voice is not what it used to be, it got scratchy and quieter from not talking for so long. Avi just stares at me "Why are you here?"

"I needed to see you." I say shutting my eyes to possibly escape this. I know he wont take me back I'm stupid for coming.

"Mitch" I hear his voice getting closer to me I open my eyes when I feel his touch on my shoulder. 

"Avi I shouldn't be here, I should leave, I'm sorry for bothering you." I start talking very fast and try to get away "No Mitch." He says, his voice quiet and calm.

"Avi, what I did was horrible you can't possibly forgive me, I should't of come here." I start to move a bit but he grabs my hand and pulls me into a hug. He didn't say anything, he just hugged me, and it was exactly what I needed.

"Mitch I haven't gotten you off my mind." he says looking right into my eyes. I was shocked by this. I thought for sure by now he had some new boyfriend who he loved more than me. But did he still love me? 

"I still love you Mitch." 

My sadness built up inside of me for three years just came pouring out of my eyes, he still loved me after three years.

"I love you too Avi."

He puts his hand on my cheek and wipes away my tear. He puts his arms around me again and I rest my head on his shoulder. I could stay like this forever. I could stay with him forever.

A/N: So please tell me what you think of this :) 



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