Sitting In Silence (Imagine)

Start from the beginning

"Are you sure, (Y/N)? I know you're lying," Dean asked, taking your hand and shaking it.

"Yeah, I'm sure," you insisted, straightening your back. Dean just rolled his eyes. You let Sam shake your hand next. He took it, politely.

"Well, what are you doing here? Squatting?" Sam asked you.

"I guess so. I just needed a place to stay; I can't afford a motel and the car heats up overnight," you explained. Sam nodded.

"We were just looking for something, that's all. Uh... if you want you can stay with us," Sam offered. Dean looked at Sam with a look of disagreement. He grabbed Sam by the shoulder pulled him to the side.

"Excuse us, (Y/N)," Dean said with a sarcastic smile. "We don't know her! We don't know what she'll do. She has salt and demon traps everywhere," you overheard Dean whisper angrily.

"Calm down. She's clearly afraid, just look at her face! She says she needs a place to stay, and we can keep an eye on her. Please, Dean. Just give her a chance," Sam pleaded. Dean rolled his eyes and nodded.

"Fine, just a couple nights, then we send her off!" Dean compromised. "I don't want to risk losing anyone else! Not after Charlie..."

Sam sighed and turned towards you. You forcefully looked him in the eye. "C'mon. We'll bring you to the bunker for a few nights to figure out what to do with you," Sam sighed. You nodded, and rolled your sleeping bag back up.

"Uhm... Do you two hunt," you asked, moving your eyes back and forth between the men and the demon trap beneath your feet.

"Yes," Dean said as he held out a regular hunting knife. You looked closer and found many symbols on it. A demon-killing knife.

"Where'd you get that?" you hesitantly asked.

"Demon gave it to me," he said flatly. You slowly nodded.

"Look, you guys don't have to-"

"Yes, I do," Sam interrupted. "Living like this isn't safe, even for a hunter," Sam continued.

"One night, then I'll be gone," you reasoned.

"One night, sounds great!" Dean clapped his hands together.

"Dean," Sam scolded. Dean just rolled his eyes.

"I'll follow you in my car," you said as you bent down to roll up your sleeping bag.

You picked up the tight bundle and your duffel bag and carried it back to the trunk of the Passat. You examined the car that was parked next to yours. It's sleek black paint, and we'll taken care of interior made you giddy inside. It had to be '67 Chevy Impala. You've always wanted one of those, especially a '67, the color doesn't matter, as long as isn't something stupid, like pink.

"Sweet wheels," you told Sam and Dean as the came out of the house.

"Thanks, you too," Dean complimented.

"Thanks, it was my brother's," You thanked.

"Where's your brother?" Dean asked as you opened your car door.

"Uhm, he-he's, uhm," you stuttered. You quickly got into your car and slammed the door. You put your forehead on the steering wheel and lost control of your tears. Dean knocked on the window repeatedly, probably to see if you were okay. You locked the door and turned on the ignition.

Dean finally gave up and got into the Impala and turned it on. With Sam already in the passenger seat, he drove off. You followed suit in the Passat. As you pulled into your destination, you quickly mopped up your uncontrollable tears and unlocked the Passat. You gathered the strength to get out of the car and face the Winchesters. You slowly stepped out of the Passat and was greeted by them. The night sky shone with stars sprinkled like glitter across the deep purple sky.

"Are you okay? I didn't mean to hurt you-" Dean began.

"It's fine," you sighed, "James was murdered five years ago by a vengeful spirit. I promised I'd protect him, and I let his life slip through my fingers. I just wasn't... I wasn't fast enough." Tears began to fall from your face like a heavy rainfall. Sam suddenly grabbed you and pulled you into a deep embrace between the three of you.

Dean suddenly let go and knelt down to your level. "You can stay as long as you need to," he said as looked into your eyes, revealing his softer side. You smiled at him. He grabbed your should and lead you inside, with Sam silently following you.

They showed you to an unused bedroom and you collapsed on the bed. Memory foam. You closed your eyes and quickly drifted off without even taking in your surroundings.

You woke up early the next morning. You quickly got out of bed and made the the bed as best as you could. You quietly stepped down stairs and found a notepad on a long table with desk lights at every other seat. You quickly wrote a note for the Winchesters to leave behind.

Thanks for everything. The warm bed, the comfortable the air conditioning, everything. I can't stay. I'm worried that if I stay, something will happen to you too. Thank you.

- (Y/N)

You quickly singed the letter and left it on the notepad. You quietly walked out and found the Passat. You got in and turned on the ignition. You drove into the sunrise, leaving behind the Winchesters to probably never see them again.

What's up? So I'm thinking that I'll write oneshots or imagines about once a week by Sunday (no promises, school is nuts). If you want to request you can, I'll do anything but smit and Wincest. I'm also not against sickfics if you want to send them in too. Just give me a brief summary of what you want written and if there are any ships involved. If you don't want to be tagged, tell me and I won't tag you. Anyway, see ya'll next week.

Supernatural Oneshots/Imagines/Sickfics REQUESTS OPENWhere stories live. Discover now