Chapter 20: Dominican

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After the harrowing encounter with my 'father' I was shown to a bedroom, with the same ominous décor as the other room I was in. Azeroth gestured for me to sit on the bed before speaking.

"I made this room for you after you were born."

"Wow you deserve a 'Father of the year' award."

"I could do without the sarcasm."

"Yeah well I could do without a psychopathic father, but we don't always get what we want."

"Raven, one day you'll realize that all of this is for the best."

"That'll probably be the same day you realize that black is not your color." I can't help it; I'm sarcastic when I'm uncomfortable.

He sighed heavily, clearly exasperated.

"Why are you making this so difficult?"

"Hmm I dunno...maybe it's cause you're psychotic?"

"Raven, I'm not the bad guy here..."

"Keep telling yourself that."

He looked down, clearly losing his patience.

"I see you're not in a receptive mood."

"No I'm not, nor will I EVER be. Not with what you're trying to accomplish."

"...Very well. You'll succumb to the inevitable soon enough."

"Again, keep telling yourself that."

"You can stay here until you've come to your senses. I am a patient man."

"Well you're going to be waiting forever because: I am NOT joining you."

"You will surrender to your fate eventually."

"I. Am. Not. Joining. You."

"Again, I am a patient man. I'll leave you be for a while."

He disappeared from the room with a poof of black smoke. The second I was sure he was out of sight, I rushed to the door attempting to throw it open and find a way out of this hell-hole. I tugged and tugged, but it was no use. Ugh, he barricaded it with magic...maybe I can teleport out? Alright here goes nothing...I waited and waited...nothing. Great, an anti-teleportation spell, I really am stuck here. I might as well go to bed or something, I am exhausted.

I made my way over to the bed, hoping that if I fell asleep I'd find out that this was just a realistic nightmare or something...although I know that's seriously doubtful. I drifted off into a restless slumber.

I woke up to a familiar voice, gently calling my name.

"Raven...Angel get up, we don't have much time."

I slit my eyes open only to see Matthew standing over me with him arm extended


I grabbed his arm and stood up quickly, suddenly aware that we were in a lush green field. What the hell?

"Yes Angel, it's me, I need you to listen. We don't have that much time."

"Where are we?"

"We're in your subconscious, you're dreaming."

"So this isn't real?"

"Yes...and no. Let me explain."

He took a deep breath, his face covered in a light sheen of sweat. He looks...haggard.

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