Chapter 16: Reading Between The Lines

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When I came to I was in a holding cell in Plight HQ. I've been in here millions of times before, but I was always on the other side; never inside the actual cell! What the hell happened? Why am I here? All I remember was I was going to tell Azeroth about my decision and then I ended up here? This makes no sense! Maybe I could break out...

"I wouldn't try that if I were you."


"The bars are resistant to your...particular brand of magic."

"What the hell is going on here?"



"I had to..."

"You what? Wait...are you saying that YOU did this to me? Why?!"

"I found out about your deal with Azeroth."


"After you left the house I did some digging, and I found out everything, at first I thought that you wouldn't go for it, but then I realized that I was way I followed you this morning."

"I'm your sister, how could you do this to me...?"

"I had to weren't thinking straight."

"I was thinking damn fine! I had a chance to SAVE HIM!"

"...I know and I'm sorry. But I am not losing you, especially not to Azeroth."


Wait a second...

"How the hell did you knock me out? You may be strong Ashton, but not that strong."

He looked to the ground, either in shame or sadness I wasn't sure.

"I had help."

...Acheron. He's the only person strong enough to knock me out, of course. Great, just flipping perfect. My brother thought that throwing me in a cell was better than talking to me about it. Wow...

"I know you're mad at me-"

"Mad? That doesn't even begin to cover it! You threw me in a cell, when you could have just had an adult conversation with me about it!"

"Would you have listened?"


"Exactly my point."

"So you resort to detaining me. Awesome."

"Raven, I-"

"You know what, Ashton? Leave. I can't stand looking at you right now."

"Fine...but I did this for your own good. You'll thank me one day."

And with that he walked out of the holding cells area, leaving me seething with rage. How dare he? Who the hell does he think he is?! I cannot even begin to describe how furious I am. Why is this happening to me?! A voice startled me out of my anger infused reverie.


"What do you want?"

"I am here to offer my sincerest apologies."

"If you were really sorry, you wouldn't have helped my brother lock me up."

"I truly believe I acted in your best interest, although the methods may have been...rash."

" that all you wanted, Acheron?"

"You're angry, which is understandable."

"Oh? Let me guess, you know how I feel? Oh right, of course you's one of your powers." The sarcasm oozing from my voice would have pissed anyone off...except for Acheron.

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