Chapter 12: Severed Ties

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"Hmm...this is an interesting development."


"Well, I believe I have left you quite a bit to ponder...goodbye Raven Dominon."

And with that he disappeared into thin air. Matt was still unconscious on the floor, and I was still reeling from the information that Azeroth had relayed. Matt's been lying to me this entire time? Did he know this entire time that I'm Plight? Because if he did, and he lied to me then...maybe he was scared? Yeah right. He's a DARK SOLDIER, as in a cold blooded killer, with no regard to anything or anyone but himself and his master; Azeroth. I sat down on the couch...head still spinning from the shocking turn of events. Maybe Azeroth lied; maybe this is part of his plan, to get me to kill Matt for him. But that doesn't make any sense...if he wanted to he could have killed both me and Matt without breaking a sweat. No, this doesn't add up, what am I supposed to do? Wait for Matt to wake up, and question, nay, interrogate him for answers? Or do I take Azeroth's word for it and detain Matt, or kill him outright? This is exactly why I wanted to escape this life, I'm caught between the crossfire of two worlds again, and this time, I either have to sacrifice my altruistic integrity towards the Plight, or my best friend.

I heard a groan coming from the floor behind me, I turned around instinctively, watching Matt get up with a start, getting his bearings and standing up, he calmed down after realizing that Azeroth is gone. His eyes darted around the room, when they landed on me, he looked tense, but relieved.

"Raven, are you okay?"

"You lying son of a bitch."

I let my anger get the best of me; he actually flinched at my words. Of course, I mean he was unconscious he has no idea what just happened. By now he was looking very confused at my obvious rage. Did Azeroth erase his memory when he knocked him out or something?

"Raven...I, what?"

"Save it, Matthew. If that's even your real name."

"Shit...what did he tell you?"

"I don't know, why don't you tell me? Dark soldier, or do you prefer Brotherhood member?"

He looked at me with so much fear in his eyes but it did nothing to soothe my anger.

"Raven...just give me a chance to explain. Please."

"Explain what? How you've been lying to me all these years? How you've been killing innocent people?!"

His eyes shifted from fear to anger at my words.

"You're one to talk, Agent Dominon."

So my hunch was right about him knowing about me.

"Don't you dare turn this around on me."

"...I'm not, I just-"

"I don't care. You lied to me about everything, including knowing about the fact that I'm Plight."

"Yes, I did, because I didn't have a choice."

"You always have a choice. You just chose the path of chaos and evil. I cannot believe I ever trusted you."

"Ra...Raven, I would never hurt you."

"You just did. I don't ever want to see you again."

I turned to leave, tears starting to form in my eyes, immediately being pushed back after Matt grabbed my arm.


"Matthew, I am violating my lawful integrity by letting you go. So let go of my arm, or I will do what I was supposed to the second I found out about this."

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