"Disturbing when you put it with my brother" I shook my head from the thought as she laughed when we went to the door to leave.

"Did you get your phone?" I ask her and she nodded her head holding it up.

We walked out of the apartment building and into the parking lot to her car, I got in the passengers seat while Lily started up her car to drive. I decided I'd check social medias and what not.

"Ooh my man, posted on twitter!" I say aloud jokingly.

"Ooh and what did your man say?!"

Oh I hate that I love you, cause you're driving me crazy..."

I read aloud and my eyebrows raised on my forehead.

"Hm...I wonder who that's about" Lilly turned to look at me smirking.

"Oh, gosh! Doubt it's about me!" I spit out a laugh.

"Oh Delaney! It is about you! Don't play dumb with me! You know it, and I know it! You too are adorable" she fawned over us and I blushed a bit as I liked and rt the tweet.

Shawn and I ever since New York, have gotten closer than we've had before, we talk nearly everyday when we have the time whether it be on the phone or just texting, or even in directing on Twitter. He makes me so happy even though we're not together I wouldn't mind being with him, he literally is an angel.

"Okay!" I chuckled a bit.

"I'm going to text him" I smiled pulling up his contact onto his phone.

"You go do that" she laughed.

yo dude wassu bro, how u doin man, gettin' any chicks in Japan?

I swear...if you ever talk to me like that again I'm going to block you wtf.

lol okay I'll shut up, I won't talk like that i was just trying to get your attention :(

Oh baby...looks like you've already have...along time ago ;)

oh my gosh Shawn, shut up 😂

nope! :)

you're a dork, you know that?

yep! And I'm really proud to !!!!

lol, so what's up?

I'm just getting ready to perform in Japan and all of that stuff...it's been quite an amazing time! Everyone here is so sweet, all the fans are adorable.

aww, I'm glad to see your having a great time!! I love it when they call you "chon" kdkdjdjd

Oh gosh...not again....

chon mendez, you're my favorite!! I'm you're biggest fan!!! 😄😄😄

Okay shut up...my fans don't say "chon Mendez" lmao

Oh we both know they do ;)

Eh? You may be right lol

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