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"we got no plan for tomorrow. is there anywhere that you want to go?" jungkook asked, hands still wrapping around her waist. still on the couch, talking and doing nothing after the phone call with wonwoo.

aya shrugged. "i dont really know. the weather isn't that good for beach, right?" she said, checking the forecast in her phone.

"yeah, its cold." jungkook play with her hair strands and put it above his lips ; making it as a fake mustache.

"should we go to busan?" jungkook poke her cheek. he just won't leave her alone.


"visiting my grandparents and stuff. you never been there right?"

she nodded.

"good. i will be the best guide for you, and show you what's good in busan. but let me give you a hint : its me."

"wow i'm so excited." aya rolled her eyes. jungkook laughed and give her a lot of smooches ; till she almost suffocate.

"stop it, i'm out of breath." she said, between the laughter and her tries to escape from his embrace. jungkook stop and connect their foreheads together.

"i love you." he said.


"what same?"

"i love me too." she giggles. he burst into a grin and softly kissed her. it was actually meant to be a short kiss but he can't help it the second she pressed her lips on his ; sucking it a bit. with her hands resting on his chest, and sometimes around his neck. this side of her excite him.

like the way she touched him, and the way she probably accidentally grinds on him telling him that she know something. something sexy and bad. the way she act is different from whatever sides she showed him before  makes him greedy of her touch.

"let's stop here before i fuck you for real tonight." he said.

aya was just as shocked of that too ; never thought that she can do something like that. well she got that sexy fantasy sometimes like the other girls but this on site experience is some other shit. she might need to see a heart doctor after this.

"cool. yes. i uhm.. better go to sleep first."

she gets up and went to bed. she managed to glance over her boyfriend who's in the couch.

he's not going to sleep there, right? i mean well, i dont mind if he want to have me tonight—


its not a good first impression for the first time of me. i mean us. besides when i think again, i'm not that ready to do that with him right now.

she low key cursing herself for being stupid and just pull up the blanket. "aren't you sleeping?" she asked, when he's staying still like he's not him at the couch.

"i will, later." jungkook replied, short. right now, he just pulling himself together and calm his shit down before he can go to sleep.

"don't tell me you're going to sleep...there?" aya widened her eyes. i thought he's the one who booked the honeymoon package thing?

she means.. we can sleep together? like i can go there? besides her?  jungkook thought. if this is some other girl he dont even have to think about this but this is the girl he respect ; the one that magically appear in his life and suddenly make him nervous for no reason.

"of course not." jungkook scoffed. he gets up to charge his phone and slowly rest on the bed besides her. without warning, he scoots closer to her, and lie on the same pillow.

"if this is me three weeks ago, well you know how it'd go." he whispered. while hugging her from behind. "but i took our relationship seriously. i really mean it. and i respect you so much. thats why i want to make our first special. not the way i did before. but legally."

aya widened her eyes and turn around to face him. "le—legally? you mean—"

"yes, marriage. i dont want to waste a wonderful, amazing girl like you. so the day you finally mine, and i'm finally yours in front of everyone, i will have you. i promise that."

as he said that, jungkook take out a ring and show it to her.

"oh my god. jungkook," aya covered her mouth. "i'm speechless,"

jungkook chuckled and put the ring on her. "you just fall in love with me again, right?"

aya laughed and snuggles to his broad chest. she can't express what the exact emotions now. yes, she fell in love again for him. yes she's high key screaming. yes she's crying. and yes to everything now.

thank you for this great, wonderful gift for me. i honestly dont deserve him. but seriously thank you.

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