Chapter Twenty Two - Giraffe

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~Chantell's POV~

"Remember how we met?" I ask Saige, sitting on the edge of her bed and filing my nails.

"Yeah." She quietly replies.

"You kicked my ass and I kicked yours." I turn to look at her. "Where did you go wrong?" I sigh, throwing the nail file at her dresser. I stand up to put my shoes on. "It's okay, because I'm home, and I'm crazy."

"I can fight my own battles."

"Clearly you cannot." I scoff at her. She doesn't reply and I turn around to see her sulking on the bed. "Get up, we have to go. They are gonna be pissed if we're late." I push my hair over my shoulder and grab my own bag. She follows my lead and we head down the stairs. Harry is waiting beside the door with his keys in hand. I shout goodbye to the house- Saige doesn't- and get Niall and Louis screaming back farewells. We follow Harry out of the door and I clutch Saige's hand in the back seat the whole way there.

"Have a good day at school! I'll be here to pick you up, okay? Love you!" Harry sneers, yelling out of the window to embarrass us. I stick my tongue out at him and wish I had a pencil ready to throw. Saige's hand grows too sweaty so I yank away from it and wipe my hands on my jeans. She grabs it again but I smack her hand.

I push the door open for us, scanning the hallways like a hawk. I realize the first bell has already rung and we only have 1 or 2 minutes to get to class. "Let's goooo." I run towards our first class. I run straight into Mia's arms, knocking us both over.


"MIA!" I cry out, kissing her cheek obnoxiously and wiggling on top of her. The bell rings and the teacher sighs from above us.

"Care to take a seat so we can start, girls?"



I angrily scrub at the paint that was on the side of my jeans. I accidentally spilled red paint on my new jeans while I was trying to paint. Why am I in art anyway. The paint isn't letting up and I hope Ana can get it out, but now I have to endure the gross wet denim feeling for my last period. Oh! Saige! Right! I let out a laugh at myself. I push my hair back over my shoulders, picking my books up and walking from the restrooms and towards the technology classroom.

Saige is waiting by the door. "You're late, you know that? You could have went in and waited for me," I tease, pushing the door open. She shrugs and follows me into the room, shrunk way too far into herself for me to be comfortable. My face grows hot with anger as I smile down at Mr. Taylor.

"I'm sorry, we had some problems in the bathroom."

"It's all good, just try not to let it happen again." He smiles and pushes his glasses up. I nod, following Saige back to our cubical. She is quick to sit and I lay my books down on the table. My eyes meet with Camila from across the room, filling me with the same anger I've felt for the last 3 years. She gives me a grin, turning to laugh into her hand beside Angela. It's enough to send me over the edge and I cross the room with long strides.

I cross my arms across my chest to try to show some self control. Camilia is awkwardly watching me from the few feet I put between us. I glance over my shoulder at Saige, then Mr. Taylor, then to the other two kids watching from their cubical. "Excuse me?"

"Huh?" I reply, turning my head back to look at Camilia.

"Do you need something? Why are you over here?" She drawls like I'm a child, her hand slowly pushing her hair back. Angela seems uninterested and is scrolling through her phone.

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