Chapter Sixteen - You're Unbelievable

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~Ana's POV~

"Ana!" I groaned, rolling over and pulling the covers over my head. "Ana Lee!!"

"WHAT," I yelled back, sitting upright and pushing my hair out of my face. "-COULD YOU POSSIBLY NEED FROM ME. ITS LIKE 7AM."


"I DON'T CARE! TELL THEM TO GO AWAY I'M TIRED!" I flop back down onto the bed and snuggle into the comforter.


"Oh my god," I mumble to myself and throw the blankets off of me, angrily throwing my door open and stomping down the stairs, not even caring how I look.

"OKAY, I'M DOWN HERE. WHAT DO YOU FREAKIN' NEED!" I scream and throw my hands up. She gasps at me and steps to the side revealing Sebastian standing there laughing.

My eyes widen and I turn around bolting up the stairs, slamming the door to my room. My cheeks are red with embarrassment and when I look in the mirror you can still see the mascara runs from me crying yesterday. I don't care what some boy thinks of me, I think to myself and put a hand on my hip to pose in the mirror.

Shaking my head at myself I open the closet door. I can't believe my mother would actually buy dresses for me. I don't even live here. I pull out one of the form fitting knitted dresses and lay it on my bed, sitting out a matching pair of shoes. Grabbing a matching set of garments from Victoria's Secret I go to take a quick hot shower.

After the almost two hours it takes me too get ready for the day, I open my door and push my hair over my shoulder. Chantell walks out of the hall bathroom wearing jeans and an over sized t-shirt.

I slowly raise my limp wrist into the air and point at her. "You're going downstairs like that?" I ask, other hand on my waist.

"...Yeah?" She laughs and looks down at herself.

"Good luck getting past those stairs," I mumble. "Mom won't let you go out like that." I tap my foot against the hardwood floor, flick my wrist and walk down the stairs. Sebastian is sitting at the kitchen table patiently waiting with a mug.

Chantell follows me into the kitchen and it takes 2 seconds before my mother is ushering her back up the stairs. I sit down beside Sebastian, smoothing my dress out and tilting my head.

"Why are you here?" I hum, accepting the mug of lukewarm coffee from him and taking a sip.

"That's not a real question." He replies and finally looks at me. I roll my eyes. "Why are you here?" He continues.

"Louis cheated on me and I don't want to be in that house right now." I spit and turn away, pushing the mug away from me.

"So you're running away from your problems? Running to me, huh?" He reaches over to grab my mug, standing up and walking to the sink to pour out the coffee.

"I did not come here for you." I laugh loudly at his statement. "I came here for myself and my girl, Sebastian. You will have no part in my stay here- I can promise you that." I push my chair back and stand up to look at him.

Kiss You? Happily. - Sequel to One Direction Kidnapped Me..WAIT KIDNAPPED?Where stories live. Discover now