Chapter Eighteen - A Total Mess

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~Ana's Pov~

        "Oh, really? Chantell, call the police, and Alexander please go tell your mother to come get her dumbass son." I hiss and run down the stairs, a master in heels. I could do parkour in these babies.

"Got it!" Chantell replies from behind me. Alexander runs out of the door and past the boys to go alert his mother of the actual fist fight going on outside of my mother's house. She's going to KILL me.

Louis and Sebastian are a mess on the ground, Zayn narrowly avoiding getting sucked into the fight. Niall has his phone out and is recording. I smack it out of his hands. I already know it's a dumb idea to try to get involved and pull them apart.

Sebastian's mother comes stomping across the lawn. "Sebastian Lucius Alston! Get up right now and go inside!" She screams. He doesn't move and she turns to me instead. "This is all YOUR fault!" She narrows her eyes at me like a bull. I roll my own.

Zayn finally manages to grab Sebastian's wrist before he can swing. Sebastian looks up at him and almost jumps at Zayn. "Let go of me, Zayn!" He growls. It's already been 10 minutes since I've told Chantell to call the police and I hope they show up soon.

I'm forced to listen to Sebastian's mother blame me for everything going wrong in her life for another 5 minutes before the police car pulls up to the curb. He approaches her before me and she talks so fast he's forced to come over to me to get the actual story.

I tell him everything I know while his partner restrains Sebastian. Louis lunges for him so the poor officer talking to me has to spring into action and grab Louis while Zayn aids him. I rub my forehead, embarrassed with the situation.

"What? You're arresting Sebastian?! But my son didn't do anything!" His mother cries out, watching the partner cuff him and push him into the cop car. Louis isn't going anywhere without a struggle.

"Ana!" He yells, pulling against Zayn and the man and towards me. "I love you, Ana! I'm sorry! It wasn't what you think! I wasn't cheating!" The man yanks him towards the car.

I rest my hand on my stomach and the other one on my throat. I take a deep breath.

"Ana! You have to listen to me! I love you!"

"Sir, please step into the vehicle."

"Louis, come on." Zayn groans.

"I love you!" He yells before obeying and entering the back of the cop car. I sit down on the concrete and rest my hands in my head. Zayn steps back and shakes hands with the officer he assisted, formally introducing himself. The officer walks back over to us while his partner starts filing reports and watching the aggressive pair.


   "Way to go, asshole." Sebastian sneers at me. I yank at the cuffs around my wrist.

"You jumped at me first."

"You cheated first." He mocks me.

"You didn't marry her first." I grin at him and stare at the distressed girl sitting on the ground.

"Shut up!" He bellows. I start laughing and watch as one of the officers open the front door to lean in and tell us to be quiet.

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