Chapter Twenty - Dark, Dark, Dark

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Lets get some answers, right? I know this is going to be a whirlwind so I am going to go ahead and warn a trigger warning for bullying and strong language. Stay safe and I love you so so much and I am always here for you (even if I neglect this book oops)

~Saige's POV~

"Please, Liam." I pleaded, my hands fumbling at the hem of my shirt. I glance at Danielle who is sat up in bed, pushing her hair out of her face and trying to adjust her eyes to the soft light coming through the window of their bedroom. Liam is sitting on the edge of his bed, sliding a shirt over his head with a sigh.

"No. You've already missed too many days. They're pissed and I can't afford to get in anymore trouble about it." He replies and stands up to slide his shoes on. "Get dressed, you're going to be late."


"I'm serious. Stop arguing and get dressed." He raises his eyebrows at me and the dread in the pit of my stomach grows to the point I almost shiver. I hesitate to turn and leave, but he nods his head towards the door with a stern face, so I go ahead and return to my room. I take deep breaths the whole way to my room closing my hand around the amethyst hanging from my neck and rubbing it appreciatively.

I get dressed as slowly as I can get away with without Liam yelling at me. There's a knock on my bedroom door and I already know it's Danielle. She peeks her head into the room before fully entering. "What's going on, girl? I'm worried about you." I groan in my head. I'm so sick of that question.

"Nothing, just boring classes and annoying teachers." I lie with a roll of my eyes and give her an over exaggerated bored look to sell it. She laughs into her hand but wraps her arms around me.

"That sucks. You can do this. I love you," She mumbles into my hair and I hug her back. Liam walks by the door and clap his hands. I bite my tongue to keep from saying something incredibly rude to him. I follow him out of the front door and climb into the passenger side of his car, tossing my book bag in the backseat. I wish Chantell was here.

He stays silent the whole ride and I know he is so close to saying something to me, but I know if he starts to show any empathy I will definitely guilt trip him into letting me stay home. I accidentally groan out loud when the high school comes into view. He gives me a disapproving look which I shake off because honestly, who cares. I just want to get the day over at this point and if I can get him off my back it might make my morning a lot easier. I open the back door to get my book bag. "Have a good day, I love you. I might be a little late to pick you up since I have to take Scout to the vet. Wait for me, OK?"

"OK, love you." I reply and shut the car door, starting the dreadful trip into the school. I stop at my locker and push my hair behind my ears as I switch out two of my books. The bell rings in about 3 minutes and my first class is biology which is my favorite class, not going to lie. Even though morning classes are sometimes the worse because of how tired I am. The bell rings and I slam my locker shut to start the walk upstairs. I weave my way through the crowd, trying to avoid as many people as I can.

I'm stopped three classrooms down from the biology room. So close. I whip my head to the side to see Camila staring me down a few feet away. I quickly turn around and move towards my class. "Hey! I was going to talk to you, Saige!" She hisses from behind me. I ignore her and continue to push through the group of students. "Ok, that's fine. See you in technology." She calls after me as I slip into the room. My heart is beating out of my chest at this point. I probably look as pale as a ghost but Mia, Chantell's friend, takes my hand when she comes up beside me and leads me to our stools.

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