Chapter Four - Distractions

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~Ana's POV~

After the boys finally left the girls alone they go upstairs. The boys and I sat on one of the leather couches watching a Disney movie. Niall was laid out on top of Harry and snoring loudly. Harry had this weird disturbed look on his face which I had to giggle at. He looks over at me and scoffs. Whatever. I stick my tongue out at him and he gasps jerking his body to stick his tongue out and sneer back in my face.

The jerk forces Niall to tumble off of his lap, hitting the floor. Harry shares a quick look with me before climbing across the couch. I smile at Niall as he gets up.

"What the craic?" He huffs, holding his hand on his hip. He walks around the couch and into the kitchen. I hear a scream and something hit the floor. Oh great.

Louis scrambles up from the couch and runs into the kitchen with me right behind him. One of the stools is knocked over. Harry is standing on the kitchen island and Niall has a ketchup bottle in his hand, pointing towards Harry.

"ANA HELP ME! THIS IS A SEVEN HUNDRED DOLLAR SHIRT I BOUGHT FROM INDIA! HE'S GOING TO RUIN IT!" Harry sobbed, trying to shield his shirt from the rabid boy.

"What the HECK." I scream, causing Louis to stumble back and clamp his hands over his ears.

Niall, however, is not phased.

"Pick the chair up!" Louis demands, pointing at it. Niall mumbles to himself and heaves the chair up.

"What did you just say young man?" I ask him while Louis points at Harry to get off the kitchen island.

"I didn't say anything." Niall whines. These 5 year olds, I swear.

"Thought so." I reply finally looking up at Harry who is still in the same position.

Niall slowly closes the cap on the ketchup and Harry lets out a sigh of relief while making eye contact with me. I give him a subtle nod and he jumps down.

"I have to go."

"Where?" Louis questions him, a hand out to stop him.

"I have something I need to get." Harry expresses, throwing his hands into the air. Niall stands awkwardly to the side with his ketchup bottle.

"What?" I roll my eyes at Louis. Let the boy leave, smh.

"Nosy," Niall and I both say at the same time. My eyes meet his and we both giggle.

"What did you say?" Louis questions us with a grin.

"No, no, I didn't say anything." I shrug pushing my hair over my shoulder. Niall nods pretending to flip his hair.

"Mhm, sureee." Louis smirks. Harry attempts to slide past his arm and out of the room, so I move to kiss Louis deeply. He brings me against his chest while Harry leaves silently. I'm about to move my hand up to tousle his hair but something wet hits my cheek.

My eyes snap open and I try to look down without breaking the kiss. Is that BLOOD? I scream yanking away from Louis and smearing the liquid all over my cheek while trying to get it off of me.

Kiss You? Happily. - Sequel to One Direction Kidnapped Me..WAIT KIDNAPPED?Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu