Chapter Twenty One - Adoxography

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~Ana's POV~

My phone buzzes three or four times, alerting me that I'm back in the service world and only a few hours away from home. I don't want to take my attention away from the road, so I ask Chantell to check the alerts. "One is from your twitter, and the others are text messages."

"Okay, read them to me." I throw my hand up at her like it should have been common knowledge that she should read them aloud.

"Niall said that you're dumb."

"Text him back and tell him HE'S dumb."

"Okay. Harry said that Saige is.. missing? What?" She fumbled with my phone, as if she wasn't paying attention to what she said, furiously tapping on the screen.

"Are you sure?" I glance over at her, reaching to grab the phone. I pull over onto the side of the empty road before reading through the several texts from Harry. There are two from Liam, stating the same thing, so I press the call button to see what's going on. The connection drops after two rings.

"Dammit." I sigh, tossing the phone into her lap and pulling back onto the road. "Try calling Liam again in an hour or two."

"What's going on?" She questions me. I can hear the worry laced in her voice, but I know as much as her. 

I have no idea. "I don't know. She probably just went out with her friends or something after school. She has always been a wild card. No doubt she will be home tomorrow, if not before we get home. I've never had to worry about Saige." 

"Yeah, but what if she doesn't?"

"Then she doesn't." I reply and she doesn't say anything else about the matter. She keeps my phone in her hand though and really does try to call Liam in the next hour.

The long car ride has been a range of jamming to music and letting Chantell drive to uttermost boring, short word conversations and exhausted ranting. I am reminded everyday why I love this girl to pieces and how important she is to me. Louis started after us a little late but every once in a while we will get a dumb Snapchat video from Niall of their hectic car ride. Although Chantell is ranting about her history class beside me, I can hardly listen to her because my thoughts are filled with Saige. Saige, Saige, Saige... She is about as feisty as Chantell, but once you get to know her you learn that there's no way she is going out of this world without a bang. 

That's why I'm not worried about her. I know what it feels like to need time to yourself, whether it be to work something out or to just scream and cry your emotions for what feels like hours. I think that's what she needed and she couldn't get it with all of us on her back. I just hope I'm not wrong.


"Oh yes, I am so glad I came home to be in the same house as all of you. HOME SWEET HOME," Chantell yells in the middle of the kitchen, throwing the fridge door open to glare at the selections of food. "You made tacos without me?!" She gasps, looking at Harry who nods but doesn't move his fingers from his mouth, where he is nervously biting his fingernails.

"You guys can't kill yourself over Saige. She's smart, she's tough, and there's no way she's not leaving without tormenting Niall one more time. C'mon, hang out with me. I haven't been home in FOREVER." She tells the two of them. I roll my eyes at her but laugh anyway. Liam looks at me with his mouth hanging wide open.

"Do you realize how serious this is?" He raises his voice, before realizing he is yelling and dropping it. 

"I do, okay? I do. I've ran away from home before-"

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