Chapter Five - One Bottle, Two Bottles

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~Ana's POV~

I quickly grab the edge of the sink to keep myself from falling backwards, a new wave of nausea flooding me. I throw the tests into the sink and stumble out of the bathroom to fall onto the bed. I lay motionless, my thoughts racing, until footsteps approach me. Louis lays a hand on my cheek, brushing my hair away from my face.

"What's wrong?" He whispers. After being together for a few years, we've learned how each other cope.

"I haven't really...felt well..." I mumble a lie, closing my eyes to avoid eye contact.

"I'm sorry," He coos walking away from me. I breathe out a sigh before I realize he's walking into the bathroom, were I ever so gracefully left the very positive pregnancy tests. I jerk up from my spot ignoring the wave of dizziness to reach the bathroom.

Louis has one of the sticks clutched in his hands, eyebrows furrowed and a frown.

"I'm sorry. You weren't-" I slap a hand over my mouth, bile rising up in my throat. He makes no move to help me and it's Harry who swoops in from behind me to catch me from falling. Niall is wide eyed and confused but sees the tests.

Louis snaps one in half. That's when my eyes roll into the back of my head, and I'm unconscious.


Waking up with nausea is one of the worst experiences. Turning onto my side I try to slide back into the dream I was having. Saliva fills my mouth before the bitter taste can, and I'm leaning over the edge of the bed to vomit into the bedside trashcan.

A hand rubs my back while I grab the bottle of water on the nightstand. I rinse my mouth out spitting into the trashcan before taking a proper sip of it. I sit up in the bed, Louis tugging me slowly and wrapping a blanket around my shoulders. I didn't even realize I was shivering until he pulls me into his side.

"It's okay, baby." He says quietly. Harry moves his head into the doorway. "He's been checking in on you every few minutes," Louis continues in a hushed whisper.

I relax against his side and let the chills run their course until I can talk without the threat of throwing up again. I stare up at Louis while he smiles at me.

"You're not upset?" I ask in a slow drawl, sounding oddly like Harry. He shakes his head quickly.

"No, no! I was a little shocked at first, but upset? No way! Are you upset? Harry is worried but ecstatic, and Niall is ready to bake you damn cakes!" He cheers. I laugh into his shoulder.

"I just- my mother isn't going to be happy and she was never happy about me, I wasn't planned- my brother was." I admit in a small voice.

"You're mother isn't here and if she's the reason you're so upset I'll make Harry call Gemma down." Louis threatens, kissing my temple. My stomach is still queasy, but slowly subsiding into excitement.

"I love you." I say- no, I promise Louis.

"I love you too. And by the way Harry, you can stop lurking outside the room now! We know you're there!" Is Louis' only reply. Harry shoves the door open tripping over his own feet with Niall right behind him.

Kiss You? Happily. - Sequel to One Direction Kidnapped Me..WAIT KIDNAPPED?Where stories live. Discover now