Chapter Seventeen - Fall of a Queen

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~Ana's POV~

"Take it off," He points at me. What the hell!

"No." I reply, crossing my arms and shoving my nose up in the air. "I don't wanna."

"Do it!" He pulls on my crossed arms. I slap his arm and he catches my hand, tugging on the wedding ring.

"No!" I huff and close my fist, stopping him from pulling it off. He doesn't let go of my hand so I throw myself on the ground and keep dragging myself in the opposite direction. "I don't wanna! I don't like you, get out loser!"

"You don't like him!" He pulls me onto my feet with little struggle. He lets go of my hand and I punch him in the chest. My hand hurts and he doesn't even react.

"Leave me alone." I pout. Sebastian opens his mouth to say something but stops, pursing his lips and looking towards the door.

"Wait, did we leave Alexander downstairs with Chantell?" I realize he's right and she's probably miserable. I lean down to unzip the heeled boots I have on and toss them on my bed, motioning for him to do the same with his shoes. He follows my lead and we slowly open the door to my room and move towards the stairs, staring over the railing.

I cover my mouth with my hand and start silently laughing at the sight of Chantell with her tongue down Alex's throat. Sebastian pulls his phone out and starts recording. He wolf whistles and Chantell jerks away from Alex, staring up at us in disbelief.

"Anaaaa!" She whines, crossing her arms and turning bright red. Alex turns around and waves to the camera, his eyes sparkling. "Make him turn it off!" I start laughing and he turns the phone to me but I cover it with my hand. He ends the video the same time there's a loud knock on the door. Chantell bolts from the couch- happy for a reason to get away from the smug Alexander. She pulls the door open but quickly slams it shut, turning to put her back against it.

I frown at Sebastian and he shrugs. "I'll see who it is." He jogs down the stairs.

"Wait, no! You don't need to come down here!" Chantell nervously puts her open palm in the air to tell him to stop. Her outfit is gorgeous, I think to myself, admiring our matching pair of over the knee boots.

"Why not?" He stops halfway down the stairs as she wishes.

"It's just.... salesmen." She smiles and reaches to lock the door after there's another knock. I get suspicious and jog back to my room to grab mine and Seb's shoes. I toss them to him before sliding my boots back on and zipping them.

I wait for him to lace his shoes back up before walking down the stairs to the door with him. Chantell gives up and moves out of our way, hands up in the air in mock surrender as she walks back over to sit opposite of Alexander who looks confused. Sebastian unlocks the door and pulls it open to reveal Zayn.

"I told you if you brought him I would kick his ass," Sebastian breaks the awkward silence.

"He's not here. Let me in." Zayn raises an eyebrow and I push Sebastian out of the way so Zayn can come in. Before I can shut the door, I hear a car door slam shut and step out of the house to see Niall rolling on the ground laughing.

"Niall?" I question and he gets up off of the road to run over to me. Zayn groans.

"I thought I told you to stay in the car?"

"He got mad I was making puns after everything he said and pushed me out of the car." His face is red from laughing.

"Who?" Sebastian squints and realization washes over his face. "You liar!"

"Fuck, Niall." Zayn sighs. "Listen, dude-"

"No!" Sebastian puts his arm out in front of me and pushes me farther into the foyer, getting ready to bolt to the car with Louis inside. Zayn shoves him back and my heart starts pounding. He freezes to stare Zayn down.

I look over to Chantell and shrug but Alexander seems tense enough to be biting his nails. I go to walk upstairs and Sebastian grabs my arm. I just want to go lay down and pamper myself and forget this is happening.

"Where are you going?"

"Upstairs." I huff and twist out of his grip, grabbing the stair railing. He pries my fingers from the banister and grabs me around the waist. "Stop!" I hiss and claw at his hands, sick of being man handled. He grips my hip and I cringe while thinking about how I was pinned to a car a few months ago.

"C'mon man, don't do this." Zayn pushes the door open allowing him and Niall to enter. I'm so uncomfortable at this point that I want to run away. Chantell stomps over from the living room and grabs my free hand, trying to pull me from Sebastian.

He lets go and I breathe out. My mind is racing as I follow Chantell's lead up the stairs, leaving the yelling mess of boys downstairs. Hopefully Louis has enough sense to stay in the car. I don't notice Alexander followed us until the door comes to a halt as I try to close it.

"Whaaaat." I groan. He slides through and runs to jump on my bed, laying on his side and wagging his finger for Chantell to come closer.

She cringes and rolls her eyes. "Ew! Go to your own room to do that!" I tease. She punches me lightly in the arm as I laugh. He wiggles his eyebrows. "I'm fine with that."

"Shut up!" she sighs and grabs his hand, pulling him towards the door. I stop her and pry their hands apart.

"I was KIDDING! No messing around with my daughter, Alex!" I scold. She covers her face.

"We weren't gonna!" Whining she leaves my room and Alex follows. I lean against my door frame as they freeze, jaws dropping while they stare down the stairs.

"Ana, you might want to come see what's going on outside," Chantell turns to me with a tense expression.

"What?" I grab my phone off of my dresser and walk into the hallway, gasping at the scene going on outside the opened front door.

Kiss You? Happily. - Sequel to One Direction Kidnapped Me..WAIT KIDNAPPED?Where stories live. Discover now