Lillian and Zuko follow Iroh into the small bar where he seems to be searching for something, or maybe someone? Zuko crossed his arms over his chest, "No one here is going to help us. These people just look like filthy wanderers."Zuko growled. Iroh had a small smirk on his face, "So are we." Iroh replied slyly. Lillian released a small giggled, "Kohana?" a familiar female's voice called from behind, "Uh oh " Iroh and Lillian said in union as their eyes widened. Zuko raised his brow, "I knew it was you!" Tam's voice squealed. Suddenly Lillian felt an arm slung over her shoulder, "How's the strongest fighter I've ever held in my battle ring?" Tam said with a jug of saki in her hand, "Uh, Hi Tam, good I guess." Lillian said as she scratched the back of her neck, "And who is this handsome man?" Tam asked taking her attention from Lillian to Zuko, "His um my fr-" Lillian was cut off by Iroh, "Her Fiancee!"Iroh said with a grin. Both Lillian and Zuko's faces flushed red as Tam started at the two, "Wow Pebble, You did well. Tell me, where did you hook this guy? He is most defiantly a soldier! Am I right! I mean look at that scar!" Tam said over excited as she gulped down her saki. Zuko gave Iroh a death glare and Lillian gritted her teeth before placing Zuko's arm around her waist, "Yeah, the bravest of the brave! We have great history together. "Lillian said in a girly voice. Lillian felt her cheeks heat up and glanced over at Zuko who stood stiff with his entire face as red as his flames, "hmmm, not bad. Anyway, I need another drink. Chat to you later Pebble." Tam said before winking at her. Lillian gave Tam a nod before relaxing completely, "Uncle..." Lillian said in a small hiss. Iroh grinned at the site of Zuko's arm still around Lillian, "Ah, this is interesting. I think I've found our friend." Iroh said avoiding Lillian and Zuko as he approached the Pai sho table, "Zuko... you can let go now." Lillian said with a shy smile. Zuko gulped before nodding his head and following his uncle. Even Lillian didn't admit it, she didn't want Zuko to let her go... ever.

Lillian followed Zuko and Iroh, "You brought us here to gamble on Pai Sho?"Lillian over heard Zuko said in annoyance. Iroh bowed at the man, "May I have this game?" Iroh asked with respect. The man gestured towards the board, "The guest has the first move." the man said to Iroh. Lillian looked over her shoulder to see a buff earth kingdom man with oily hair and a very well dressed man staring at them, "Zuko... stay on your toes."Lillian whispered causing Zuko to look back slightly at the men. Zuko nodded at Lillian before turning his attention back to his uncle, "I see you favor the white lotus gambit. Not many still cling to the ancient ways."The man said bowing to Iroh, "Those who do can always find a friend."Iroh returned another bow, "I'm not waiting all night for these geezers to finish yapping! It's over! You three fugitives are coming with me!" the man with greasy hair yelled. The man at the Pai sho table suddenly stood up, "I knew it! You three are wanted criminals with a giant bounty on your heads!" he yelled pointing towards the three fire benders, "I thought you said he would help!"Zuko growled while pushing Lillian behind him, "um? Z- Lee?" Lillian question as she was placed behind Zuko, "He is, just watch. "Iroh said calmly, "You think you're going to capture them and collect all that gold?" The man added, "Okay, seriously guy, shut it!" Lillian growled as she took a slight defensive stance. Suddenly the bar fell silent and men and woman from all nations slowly began taking out their weapons, "Attack!" Yelled Tam as she slammed into a random man causing a fight against the two earth bender's. Lillian began rolling up her sleeves but Zuko threw her over his shoulder and ran after his uncle and the pai sho player, "Hey! Put me dow-" Lillian paused when she saw a flash of orange hair and purple eyes, "This is not the time for a bar fight Lilly!"Zuko hissed through his teeth. Lillian's eyes widened, "Wait! what about Kasai???"Lillian cried. Zuko hesitated before copying Lillian's whistle causing Kasai to charge after them.

Zuko finally placed Lillian down when they entered a flower shop? Kasai sat like a well behave kitten in the corner purring at a plant, "It is an honor to welcome such a high-ranking member of the Order of the White Lotus. Being a Grand Master, you must know so many secrets" The man from the bar said interested as he held the door. Iroh smiled at the man with a nod, "Now that you played Pai Sho,are you going to do some flower arranging, or is this club going to offer some real help?"Zuko said as he rolled his eyes. Lillian nudged Zuko in his side, "You must forgive my nephew. He is not an initiate and has little appreciation for the cryptic arts. "Iroh said walking towards another door. There is a small window in the door that slides open once Iroh knock's, "Who knocks at the guarded gate? "Said a husky voice, "One who has eaten the fruit and tasted its mysteries. " Iroh replies with his hands in his sleeves. The door opens and Iroh walks in. Zuko and Lillian follow only to have the door slammed in their face. Iroh's eyes suddenly appear by the small window, "I'm afraid it's members only. Wait out here. " Iroh says in hushed voice. Zuko frowns and crosses his arms. He leans over to a nearby plant and sniffs it. Lillian places her hand over her mouth and giggles, "What's so funny?"Zuko asked with a raised brow. Lillian shook her head, "Why did you just sniff a random flower?"Lillian asked with a smile. Zuko felt his cheeks heat up from Lillian's question, "I uh, just wanted to okay!" Zuko burst. Lillian shrugged her shoulder's and walked over to Zuko, "So... Who was that weird girl in the bar?" Zuko asked as he sat down on the floor leaning against the wall. Lillian sat down beside him, "That was Tam. Your Uncle and I ran into her about a month after you left us. We needed money so your Uncle entered me into some of her battles which helped us to earn some money for the road." Lillian finished while taking in a small breath. Zuko nodded, "Right... When I left you and Uncle." Zuko said in an almost guilty tone. Lillian yawned before resting her head on Zuko's shoulder's, "Yeah... I'm just going to close my eyes for a few minutes... okay..." Lillian said in a sleepy tone. Zuko laid his head on top of Lillian's, "Okay Lilly..."Zuko said before falling asleep himself.

The door opens and Iroh steps out, causing Zuko to awaken and go into a defensive stance. Lillian groans as her head jerks from almost hitting the floor, "Ugh, just five more Minutes Zuk...Lee!!!"Lillian blurts out, "What's going on? Is the club meeting over?" Zuko asks with his raspy voice from just waking up, "Everything is taken care of. We're heading to Ba-Sing-Se."Iroh said with a smile, "Ba-Sing-Se? Why would we go to the Earth Kingdom capital?" Lillian asked as she rubbed the sleep out of her eyes, "The city is filled with refugees. No one will notice three more." The Pai sho player said gazing at Lillian, "We can hide in plain sight there. And it's the safest place in the world from the Fire Nation. Even I couldn't break through to the city." Iroh said. The door suddenly opened in a rush causing Lillian to jump up, " I have the passports for our guests, but there are two men out on the streets looking for them." a white lotus member said. The younger man that stood in the corner wheeled out two large flower pots, "Our friends can hide in here, quickly!"the young man whispered. Lillian gazed at Kasai, "My dear, quickly, you will see him again."Iroh said as he gripped Lillian's arm. Lillian nodded before jumping into the same flower pot as Zuko. There was total darkness and silent when Lillian heard a soft whimper from Kasai, "Follow us boy" Lillian whispered. Kasai obeyed his master and allowed the man to strap a cart onto him so that he could pull the cart with the two flower pots away.

(Play the video below for super feels)

After a long and uncomfortable journey our firebenders and Lionshark were finally able to step out but at a small price. Iroh placed his hand on Zuko's shoulder and gave him a squeeze before walking towards Lillian, "My dear..."Iroh spoke softly. Lillian smiled up at Iroh, "Yes Uncle?" Iroh took a deep breath, "I'm afraid Kasai can't join us on this journey..." Iroh said sadly. Lillian's face fell, "what?n-no!" Lillian choked. Kasai's ears slid back in heartache at his master's sadness, "Where I go, he goes!" Lillian said through gritted teeth, "Lilly..." Zuko interrupted. Lillian had tears in her eyes, "Lionsharks are common only in the firenation... People will try to hunt him down or capture him." Zuko said as he walked towards Lillian placing both of his hands on her shoulder's, "I have contacted your grandfather, he will be sure to take care of Kasai for you." Iroh said softly. Lillian's figure shook, "But he-" Lillian choked as Zuko wiped her tears away, "He is going to live in a cage if he goes with us. Do you want that?" Zuko whispered. Lillian shook her head before collapsing into Zuko's chest. Lillian calmed down before walking over to Kasai. Lillian placed her forehead against his, "Look after yourself boy...S-say hi to Grandpa and Uncle Kan for me and remember to go say hello to the villagers of Kibo." Lillian allowed a few tears to slip from her eyes before Kasai licked them up. He gave Lillian a soft nudge towards Zuko and Iroh, "I'll see you soon. I promise."Lillian carefully removed a feather that she had kept as side for en emergency and placed it into Kasai's saddle sack, "I'll miss you." Lillian said before giving Kasai one last hug before stepping back. The man bowed to Lillian and assured her that she will receive a note once Kasai is home safe. Lillian felt Zuko wrap his arm around her shoulder, "I'm sorry Lillian...If only I never dragged you into any of this then you wouldn't be going through this." Zuko said softly, Lillian watched as Kasai gave a last breath taking roar and running off with the white lotus member back home to her family, "You could be home if it wasn't for-" Zuko was cut off by Lillian facing him and holding both his hands, "Don't talk like that, Your my best friend and you needed me. I'd do it all over again." Lillian whispered before placing her head on Zuko's chest. Zuko wrapped his arms around Lillian as he felt his shirt become slightly wet from her tears. Zuko kissed the crown of her head before making a an inaudible promise of making sure that Kasai and Lillian will reunite. Lillian remained in Zuko's embrace until she felt that her tears had run dry, She had just said farewell to her four legged friend until who knows when but it was worth keeping him safe.



Please vote, comment and all that stuff.

Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter.

I need your help!

would you like me to start writing in Lillian and Zuko's point of view?Please advise.

But I was going to start it in book three but feel that it might be much needed in ba sing sai.

Let me know!


<3 Darkninja

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