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Peter Hale wanted to blame him being a complete mess on his pregnancy hormones, but at that moment, he couldn't. He knew that he was jealous, nothing more, nothing less.
"You are being ridiculous." He mumbled.
"Who is being ridiculous?" Derek walks behind him.
Peter turns to face Derek "Me."
Derek frowns "What do you mean?"
"Nothing, it means nothing." Peter mumbles.
Derek grabs his wrist "It means something to me."
Peter closes his eyes "You."
Derek sighed "Not this again. Peter, this was before you. And besides I chose you. I chose you over him. You make me happier."
Peter looks at Derek "Do you think you chose the right person?"
"Of course I did! I did choose you!" Derek exclaimed.
Peter rubs his nose "I hope you did. I am going to go lay down, okay?"
"Of course. Go lay down, do you need anything?" Derek offers.
"No, thanks. I just want sleep." Peter yawned.
"Go get sleep." Derek nudges.

Peter found himself crying into the bed pillows, his hand rubbing his belly absentminded. "I love your paps, but all I can feel is jealously, am I being a lunatic? I feel like I am, I probably am. What am I suppose to do though? I cannot just stop being jealous? Maybe he did choose the wrong one."
I sighed when I feel the baby nudging my hand.
"Hopefully this will all work itself out baby." I mumbled.

I was dreaming; it was moving so fast.
There was Scott McCall. And Derek.
They both were happy; Derek looked even happier.
Derek has a smile I never have seen. I was instantly envious, why have I never seen that smile? "I hate you!" I scream, it does not faze him. "Why did you chose me over him! You still love him! This baby is a mistake, horrible uh oh."
Even in my dream my anger was all I could think about. Feel about, it was consuming my entire feelings.

My dream ends there; but I knew my jealously was still there. It feels even worse now, like it is consuming me!
I needed to clear this out with Derek!

"Hey Derek?" I ask, coming down the stairs, only to stop when I hear Derek saying my name.
"Did you say my name?" I asked.
When Derek did not respond, I walked closer to where I hear Derek.

"Yeah, Scott. He is acting paranoid, it is getting frustrated. I do not know how to make him see I chose him? No, you talking to him would make the situation worse. Maybe this problem will blow over, and have Peter be not so obsessive."
I whimpered, that is how Derek felt. I was foolish to think that he would have changed.
Derek turned around, obviously from my whimpering "What is wrong?" Derek asked.
I wiped my eyes "How dare you Derek! I knew that you chose wrong! How about you leave me the hell alone! And go back to your Scott!"
Derek sighed "Listen Peter. You need to stop being jealous, there is nothing, and I mean, nothing with Scott. Yes, we were together. But, damn that was a long time ago. But being with you has showed me a new love that not even Scott provided. I love only you. Now please, will you start believing me? Because all I want is for you to be happy." "And I am. And I am so sorry for being a crazed obsessed boyfriend who was consumed with your ex. How is Scott?"
"Very well. He is happy with Kira, so I'm happy."
I kiss Derek "Thank you Derek! And thanks for everything. I knew I can depend on you, always."
"As always."

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