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"That is your plan?" Peter raised an eyebrow. "Problem Peter?" Sighed Scott. "No. No, only if you expect us to all die." Peter said. "He has a point there Scott. How many times has Peter died? Yet, here he stands." Argued Lydia. Peter smirked, "Thanks Banshee." Lydia rolls her eyes. "Okay, okay. What do you think we should do Peter?"
Peter grinned "This is the plan."

"That is a guaranteed death trap."
"What do you think about my plan Stiles?" Questioned Peter.
Stiles hummed "Peter, I agree with the Pack."
"But my plan, it can save us all. The Pack." Peter expressed.
"Please Peter." Said Scott.
Peter sits back down, arms crossed, "You all will be wanting my plan instead."
"Our plan is just as good as yours Peter Hale! Our plan for The Pack is going to do the job that is needed."
Peter looked the other way.
Peter did not answer.

Peter was trailing behind The Pack. In his abdomen, he continued to feel sharp, shooting pains, they were getting worse. So worse, they would make Peter crumble up, his arms wrapping around his abdomen. Peter questioned. He would breath short breaths, then would be okay again. "What the hell is going on."
"Peter? Are you okay?" Asked Stiles. "I..yeah." Lied Peter. "Why are you lying to me?" Stiles challenged. "I am not lying to you!" Ranted Peter. "Keep up." Stated Stiles. "Stiles, no hey. Stiles." Peter whispered.
Stiles bothered not listening to the words coming from Peter.

Peter now stayed up with The Pack, but Stiles still was ignoring his presence.
"Stop. What was that?" Scott whispered, putting up his hand. The Pack stopped suddenly. "Do you hear that too Peter?" questioned Scott. "I do, yeah. Shush." Peter breathed, allowing his hearing to get intensified.
"They are getting close." Malia added.
"I can..feel them." Shuddered Peter.
"Then where are they?" Lydia asked.
"No idea." Scott replied.
"Scott! There! I saw them! Right there! Running!" Exclaimed Malia, pointing East I to the forest.
"Come on!" Demanded Scott.

The Pack travels under the order from Scott.
Together, they ran.
And then ran even more.
"Right there!" Scott pointed.
They veered more East.
Peter then saw them.
"Be prepared." Peter encouraged.
"Remember the plan, stick to that." Scott reminded.
"For us all to die together. Great plan there Scott."
"Do your own plan then Peter! Show us!" Roared Scott.
Peter was slightly shocked, Scott was soft spoken, and never raised to anger.
"Be careful Peter Hale." Stiles declared.
Peter winks at Stiles "I will heal quickly."

Stiles was struck first; he grabbed on to Scott for some balance. "I have you Stiles." Scott promised. "The Pack, protect them." Mumbles Stiles. "You will also protect The Pack, you are not leaving us! Nope, not tonight you aren't!"
Peter squealed. He landed on the ground next to Stiles. "H-hurts." Whimpered Peter.
A third shooting sound pierced through the air; this time, slicing into the back of Lydia. She groaned, falling to her knees.
Then they saw them.
The Pack of rivals.
Their Alpha, named Joe, stands there, looking at our Alpha, "Your pack is looking weak Scott."
Scott growled "You are shooting my pack, of course they are weak."
Joe tuts, "Not everyone is a werewolf Scott. It would be unfair to just bite them, and get it over with."
Scott huffed louder "You are done messing with my Pack Joe."
"As who is going to stop us? Your useless pack?"
Scott looks around at his Pack; he believed in his pack. They stood stronger when together.

It all happened suddenly; the Alpha was being taken down. Scott gasped. "Not with our Alpha!" Scott felt himself attacked. He retracted his claws "We can make a treaty here." "No treaty. Maybe, I will kill your Alpha." One threatened. To the left though, one with gold eyes, Joe's Beta, attempted to take down Lydia; but she blocked the attack. Using her hands as defense, she created a wall. Then she screamed.
But the real worrisome was coming from Peter. He laid on his back, a mother Beta on top of him. "Please try me bitch." Peter taunted. "With pleasure."
Stiles all saw red; he clenched both of his fists, "Do not touch him." Stiles growled. The Beta looks up, then laughed. "Look who is here trying to protect you. How pitiful you are. Having to depend on a human."
Stiles did not hesitate, with one of his closed fist, Stiles attacked the side of his Betas cheek, hearing the jaw crack.
He falls. His eyes are closed.
"Oh my dear god!" Panicked Stiles.
"You have saved me, thank you." Peter thanks.
Stiles looks at Peter. His eyes are closed. "Hey, hey, no, keep your eyes open for me Peter."
"I hurt. I will heal Stiles, no need for worries."
"Scott! Scott!" Hollered Stiles.
Scott comes running over.
"What happened?"
"It's Peter!"
"Peter? Hey Peter! You need to wake up!" Scott shook his body. Nothing happened.
"You save him Scott." Begged Stiles.
"Mom will know what to do. Anyone else need emergency assistance from my mom?" Scott asked.
"Not us."
"You all fought well. Now, come on Stiles, and Peter."

Stiles anxiously taps his foot while waiting for any news. Scott looked at Stiles "He is a strong fighter Stiles." Scott said. "He is also foolish. He could be hurt." Stiles replied.
Scott could not think of anything to say.
Thankfully, Melissa joined them.
"Melissa! How is he?" Stiles rambled.
Melissa holds up a hand for Stiles to be quiet.
"Mr. Hale is requesting you Stiles. Please if you will follow me."

Stiles, anxiously followed Melissa.
"Let him talk first." Advised Melissa.
Stiles entered his room "We need to talk."
Stiles sits himself next to Peter, taking his left hand.
"First off, I am already healing. So that is good."
"That is." Stiles agrees.
"Then the second thing is, Stiles, I am five months pregnant. Our Stilinksi-Hale little boy."
"You Pregnant?" Stuttered Stiles.
"That explains the pain." Peter remembered.
"Oh god. We are soon..we are parents." Stiles shakes his head.
Peter tightened his hand "Stay with me Stiles?" He had never seen Peter looking so desperate. Stiles nodded "There is no way you can let me go now. Our son deserves to know his human dad." Peter sniffled, "And what a wonderful dad he will know."

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