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Derek stares at the screen; there in black and white, is his baby blob. "That is a baby. My baby." Derek stated. Scott smiled "Derek! You are having our baby! I love you so much! Mom, I am a dad!" Scott imploded.
Melissa smiles "I can see that, I am happy for the both of you." "How do you feel?" Scott asked Derek.
Derek looks at the screen. Then he looked up at Scott "Looks like I am having a baby." Derek glances back up at the screen, a smile tugging against his lips, that is his baby, their baby. "I am actually having a baby." Derek gasped. "And I could never be happier. Happier than I felt in my life, and I get to share this with you Derek." Derek smiled, but he says nothing.
"Do you want a photo Derek?" Melissa asked. "Yes, please." Derek agreed.
"Here." Melissa pressed a couple of buttons, then the photo popped out.
"Here Derek. Make an appointment out with the reception please ."
"I will make sure he does mom. Thanks so much!" Scott says hugging Melissa. "You two come around on Friday, and I will cook dinner? Yeah?" Melissa asked. "Absolutely Melissa." "Good, good. Congratulations by the way. I am happy for the both of you."
"And we are just as happy." Derek responded.
Melissa waves one last time, then shuts the door behind her.
Scott kneels down by Derek, "Hi,there." He whispered. Derek takes Scott's hand "Hi, back." "We made a baby." Scott says. Derek laughs "We definitely did Scott."

"What are you doing Scott?" Derek questioned.
"Displaying our baby." Scott said. Derek sees his ultrasound presented proudly on their refrigerator.
"Oh." Derek said. "Do you not like that Derek?" "No, I love your enthusiasm about our baby, but Scott..what if The Pack sees this, or..the other thing." Derek whispered. "I will take down the ultrasound for you." Scott removes the photo. "No, wait. Put it back there. Now it looks too lonely." Scott replaced the ultrasound photo. Derek sighed happily "That does look much better. Thank you." Scott wrapped his arms around Derek's waist "I think so too. Are we going to tell The Pack anytime soon?" Derek shrugged "Maybe if they do not ask any questions, we can tell them when I begin to show."
"That sounds good. Now come on, lets get some food. I am hungry."

The following morning Derek felt Scott spooning him, his hand firmly planted on his stomach, which made Derek chuckle. "So I am known to be a little protective." Muttered Scott. "Good morning, that is more than okay with me, you being protective. Especially to see how you are with our baby Scott."
"Well of course I am protective over our baby, baby needs both of its daddies, Derek."
Derek smiled "I agree. Now, what is our schedule today?"
"Pack meeting." Scott answered. "Glad you are the Alpha now. I hated doing meetings." "I now completely understand your hatred." Scott laughed.
"We need to get up Scott. Be ready for when The Pack arrives." "Stiles is here. I heard his jeep." "That damn jeep of his." "Do not diss his jeep, Stiles holds very strong feelings about his jeep."
"Thanks for the pre warning. Now get up and let Stiles in."
"Hey!" Stiles shouted.
"He has his own key?"
"He has his own key." Scott confirmed.
Derek chuckles lightly "Better be thankful that he is your best friend Scott."
"I know, but Stiles is always needed by me, and The Pack."
"I will agree with you on that statement."
"Oh, my God, Scott! Did you get Derek knocked up!"
Scott laughs into Derek's chest "Guess Stiles found out." "So it does seem."
"I will go greet Stiles downstairs. Please try to meet me down there shortly." "Unless I fall back asleep." "You deserve your sleep." "Thank you, love you."

Scott meets Stiles downstairs who is still looking at the photo. "Stiles." Scott said. Stiles tuned around "You sly werewolf." Scott chuckled, Stiles pulls Scott into a hug "Congratulations man!" "Thanks Stiles, it was a surprise, considering Derek is human." Stiles nodded "How is Derek feeling about being knocked up." "He likes the idea. He will do just fine during his pregnancy."
"Well you have my support all the way buddy." "Thanks man. Also, can you keep this to yourself?" "You know The Pack will smell that out immediately right?" Stiles laughed. "It would not surprise me if they did."
"They will be here around 9:00- so be ready."
"It is 9:00." Added Scott.
"And guess whose here! We are, hello, surprise!"
Allison stands in the middle of the floor.
"How did she get in here!" "I left the door unlocked so The Pack can come right in."
"Of course. Good thinking, now where is are the others?"
"We are all here- wait, what is that new smell?" Malia questioned.
"What smell?" Liam asked.
Derek then walked down, and Isaac smelt something "It is you, Derek. You have a new smell, it is..Derek you are having a baby!"
"What!" Everyone gasped.
"How is that possible? With you being a human Derek!"
Scott and Derek shrug their shoulders "We cannot say as we so not know."
"Nicely stated. So now, yes, we all know this such surprising news, how about we get into our real pack meeting news."

Now four months along Derek has himself a proper belly- which Scott cannot keep his hands off of Derek's belly. Derek now was at the stage of trying to eat everything possible. Which Scott was not going to be protesting.
"Hey Scott? Can you grab the newspaper for me please?"
"Yeah sure." Scott goes out to collect the requested newspaper.
"Here is your- Derek!" "Show me..True Alpha, your powers."
Scott pulls out his claws "You will let Derek go." "Or what?" "You will be dealing with me. Regardless of you all being Alpha, a real true Alpha Pack."
"Well. Look who has come to play."
"You can still run." "Hell no."
"So you bring this upon yourselves." Scott declared.

Derek was injured, one of the Alphas claw struck him. It was deep. Blood was seeping through Derek's fingers that act as a bandage.
"You are going to be okay."
"Scott listen..if it comes down to him or me, choose him." "Derek stop that talking!" "No listen to me, choose him."
Scott kisses Derek's forehead "I will choose him."
Derek was sweating, but his grabbed Scott's hand "Scott my..Luna."
"You are not leaving me yet." Scott declared.
Derek closes his eyes.
"No, open your eyes!"
"Move Scott!"
Scott moved; the sight of Peter surprised him.
"How could you be so ignorant! Leaving him by himself! Do you have no regards towards my nephew and your son Scott!"
"I have been trying." Scott defended.
"Poorly executed." Growled Peter.
"That is still my son mind you Peter." Warned Melissa.
"Unfortunately. We all need to come together to protect Derek."
"And our son."
"And your son." Peter added.
"Please just make sure both of them are okay."
"We will."
"I am so stupid, Peter you were very right."
"No. I spoke out of anger, but you must understand. Derek is the last Hale family member that I have. You have done well, protecting Derek, and your baby Scott."
Scott shakes Peters hand "I have been scared this entire time." Peter laughed "You have hidden it very well Scott." "I think that Derek can sense it, but says nothing. Trying to make me feel better."
"Yeah, he does that. Especially since you are his Luna, his one true love."
"Derek called me that right before you all came."
"Of course he did. He loves you more than you can imagine. So much, he is ready to show his Luna his love again.
"His Luna, I like that name Peter."
"So it seems, now please keep on protecting my nephew." Peter asked.
"I will." Scott promised.
"Good, I know you will. Show everyone the power of the one True Alpha."

With the help of Scott, Melissa, and very surprisingly Peter, Derek made a full recovery. Their son unharmed, to everyone's relief.
"How is he?" Scott asked putting his hand on Derek's belly. "Doing good. No complaints from him." Replied Derek.
"Well no news is good news that is moms statement."
"Oh yeah, that is true. So, actually, hey Scott?" "Yeah?" "He wants those little heart shaped candies that only come around Valentines." Derek declared.
Scott smiles "I can get those for you. Care to come along?" "Of course I will!"

Scott yawned while waiting in line with Derek for his candy craving. "Thanks for coming out to get my cravings." Derek thanked. Scott smiled "Anything to keep him happy Derek." "He is very happy, so happy he is kicking!" "Oh yeah?" Scott yawned. "Wait, did you say he is kicking? Let me feel!" Derek directs Scott's hand to his belly, both grinning at one another when both feel him kicking.
"He is in there. And he is saying hello Derek." "Saying hello to the outside world. He cannot wait to meet us."

Derek, who is very round, is officially nine months now. "Please get him out." Stated Derek. Scott rubbed his belly "You have made his home so comfy that he is having a hard time leaving, isn't that right?" Derek just grumbles. And Scott laughs "Will you feel better if I rub your feet Derek?" "Will you?" "I will." "Have I said his much I do love you Scott?" "You have, yes." "And how much you are--oh..God!"
"No..Derek, is..." "Guess he is tired of his current sleeping arraignments."
"You are in labour, like right now Derek?"
"Right now. Like..he is going to he making his appearance!" Scott helped Derek to his feet, "Come on then." Derek says.
Walking through the door Scott grabs Derek's bag.
"Lets go have us a baby." Scott whispered.
"I am ready to meet him."

"After all of the pain, Scott, he makes it worth everything." "You have done so well, I could not be more proud of you Derek."
Derek sighed "I would have never gotten through this without you." "Oh, you big softy, looks like he already is softening you up." Derek looks down at his son, whose softly snoring "He has changed me, I feel for the better."
"You have."
"Hey hello." Stiles pokes his head in.
"Stiles." Derek smiled.
"Can I come meet your handsome little man?" Stile questioned.
"Come meet him, yes."
Stiles slips in, hugging Scott "The True Alpha is now a daddy. Hot damn."
Scott laughed patting Stiles on his back "Go meet him."
"Hey Stiles, meet Connor Rhett, Connor meet your uncle Stiles."

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