Chapter 41: A World Divided

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"So let me get this straight." I said, running my hands through my hair as I rode the elevator with Zatanna and Artemis. "This guy not only stole a magic sword for...God knows why, but he stabbed his sister to death to make his soul completely evil and referred to himself in the third person?"

"Crazy right?" Artemis asked.

"Not crazy. Criminally insane, and I don't like to use the 'I' word." I laughed. "Now I kind of wished I did go with you! Magic swords, preteen ghost girls, blowing up kitchens...exciting stuff." I paused. "Although on second thought...I don't think I'd be able to let that guy get away with killing his baby sister..."

As the elevator stopped we stepped out to see the tea, unloading groceries from the bio-ship as Batman, Red, and Zatara supervised.

"On another note, think Zatara will let you join the team?" Artemis asked Zatanna.

"I don't know..." Zatanna groaned. "Zatara's so overprotective! I mean, just getting him to let me visit takes a whole days begging!"

"You're only 14." I placed a hand on her shoulder. "You have plenty of time to join the team, or maybe even the league."

"I just wish he'd give me some space!" Zatanna exclaimed, and just like that: Batman, Red, and Zatara just disappeared.

There were there, and then they weren't.

"Dad!" Zatanna cried.


"I've tried to contact Red Arrow, but seeing as how he already turned 18: it was a dead end." I sighed into my com as I dropped three more infants to a resident high school, where a couple teenagers took the from my hands. "Other then that, I've helped teenagers set up camps in Star City, Beach City,France, and London. Not to mention my little brother on my back wondering where our father and older brother are. Which, you know, is something I would like to know as well! Please tell me we have some progress!"

"Unfortunatly not...I still haven't gotten through to Atlantis. But Megan, Conner, Artemis, and Wally have a hold on Happy Harbor, and Robin set Zatanna with Zatara's spell for locating the epicenter of the sorcery behind this." Kaldur explained, sounding just as tired as I felt.

"Okay, that's...something." I hummed, rubbing my face. "Could you send Wally and Artemis on field duty? I could use some more coverage."

"First we need you and Wally for the public announcement. Artemis will take your place, alright while you and Wally are busy." Kaldur said and I looked around, happy to see I had collected all the children I could.

"Alright, on my way to the nearest Zeta-tube." I said. "Don't worry Kaldur, we'll get a handle on this. It'll be alright."

A moment of radio silence followed before Kaldur answered. "Thank you Lina, see you soon."


"Attention children and teenagers of Earth." Kaldur began. "I am Aqualad; and these are my friends Zephyr, Robin, and Kid Flash."

"We are using Justice League tech to access and stream to every TV, radio, computer and smartphone on the planet." Robin explained.

"We know you must be scared and angry." Wally continued. "We know with your parents missing there's a temptation to run wild, but please: remain calm."

"We will find a way to bring the adults back, we're already putting all our efforts into it. But for the time being, we must ask for your help; please care for not only yourself, but also those younger then you. Schools are open for shelter and first aid."

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