Chapter 4: Attack on Cadmus

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(is the title an homage to my favorite anime? Yes, yes it is)

"Leap, bend, double pirouette, high kick...and grande finalé." My mother said in French, snapping to the beats of the modern song playing in the studio as I ended in a double handspring landing in a vertical split.

As I panted for air and my thirteen year old lungs burned, my mother smiled. From the side, my older brothers: Calvin and Leo, applauded.

"You're doing excellent my darling." My mother said as she walked over to me and passed me a soft towel to wipe the sweat from my face, which made my light brown hair stick to my face. Her similar hair swept perfectly around her head as her blue eyes met mine, her dimples showing cutely as she smiled.

"Thanks mama." I said, kissing her cheek.

"Great job little sister." Calvin said, ruffling the hair that had fallen out of the bun on my head. His dirty blonde hair was held back in a man-bun as his blue eyes, like mine and mamas, smiled mischievously down at me. At 18, he was the oldest of the three of us.

"You'll be a professional modern dancer in no time at this rate." Leo said, helping me up. He had brown hair, which held itself in a clear crew-cut, and hazel eyes that smiled kindly. He was the youngest of the trio, aged ten.

"But only if you want to." Said another voice and we all turned to see a man with dirty blonde hair and hazel eyes, standing there with a bag of what smelt like fresh bread.

"Papa!" Leo and I said happily as we ran to greet our father.

"How was town?" Mama asked with a smile.

"Fine, I bought biscuits to share." He said, holding up the bag. I reached for it, but mama told me I could only have some once I changed from my dance clothes. SO I ran into the change room and changed into my sun dress and high-tops.

When we left, the blazing heat met my skin and I felt my body temperature rise a good twenty degrees.

"Let's go home little ones." Mother said as we all piled into our family car.

Ten minuets later, we reached the city when we were met by traffic. Our old car was very much like the odd man out compared to the hundreds of modern-age-technology cars zooming past us.

None of us, except me, suspected the car driving recklessly, quickly advancing to the place its street and the one we were on met.

"Dad look out!" I scream.

But it's too late as the car came ramming into the passenger side.

Everything goes black.

Time runs short

You must awaken


Suddenly, I felt my body come to life as I opened my eyes. I gasped for air, but after calming down, I realised that I was in a glass pod similar to the one that held Superboy, and Kaldur, KF, and Rob were around me. Kaldur to my left, KF and Rob to my right. Our arms were shackled above our heads, and our legs bolted below us.
We were trapped.

And Superboy right in front of us, starring.

"What do you want?!" KF screamed at the clone.

"Uh...KF, maybe we try not ticking off the guy that can fry us with a look?" Rob said.

"We only sought to help you." Kaldur began.

"Ya, we help you and you turn on us how's that for-""Kid, breathe. Just let Aqualad do the talking." I cut the speedster off as I spoke as quietly as possible.

Zephyr: A Young Justice OC fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now